
Sun 'Nothing To Do With Earth's Climate' Say Boffins

THE Sun has “no influence whatsoever” on how hot the earth is, according to a new scientific study by Glasgow’s Clyde University. 

Vegetarians' Gas Now 'Biggest Cause Of Global Warming'

VEGETARIANS are being urged to eat each other after it emerged their own gas was now the major cause of global climate change.

Brown 'Frantic With Worry' Over State Of Britain's Lawns

THE long spell of wet weather has prompted Prime Minister Gordon Brown to order a full-scale review of the nation's lawns.

James Blunt To Be Sacrificed In Spectacular Live Earth Finale

SINGER-songwriter James Blunt is to be sacrificed in a symbolic gesture of climate change solidarity at the end of this weekend's Live Earth spectacular.

Scots Demand Huge Increase In Global Warming

A MAJORITY of Scots are backing a total reliance on fossil fuels in a bid to deliver up to three months of t-shirt weather every year.

Boffins Unveil World's Smuggest House

SCIENTISTS yesterday unveiled what they claim will be the world's smuggest house. 

Climate Change Link To Gingers

THE first clear link between ginger hair and climate change has been established by scientists at Dundee University.

Bush Unveils World's Biggest Car

PRESIDENT Bush has underlined his commitment to tackling climate change by unveiling the world's biggest car in Detroit.