Bitch-ass birds flying south for winter

THE more pathetic and cowardly species of birds have already started flying to warmer climes for the winter, it has emerged.

Lightweights like swallows and nightingales are among the dozens of avian species that find Britain too much to bear in the winter, and have begun migrating to the more temperate climate of their precious Africa.

Birdwatcher Martin Bishop said: “Look at those snowflake pussies go. What’s the matter, food not abundant enough for you at this time of year? Cucks.

“They make such a fuss about it too by flying in massive flocks. We get it, you virtue-signalling babies, you haven’t got the nuts to stick it out over here until spring. I wouldn’t draw attention to that if I were you.

“If they love Africa so much why don’t they stay there all year round? We won’t miss them, and there’d be more room in this country for swole gigachads with big dick energy like ospreys and redwings.”

Naturalist Helen Archer said: “Birds migrate all year round for a variety of reasons. All of them pathetic excuses designed to hide the fact that they’re sissy motherf**kers who should have gone extinct years ago.”

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Man getting into the autumn spirit by coming down with a cold

A MAN is embracing the true spirit of autumn by coming down with a cold that will last all October.

Snivelling wreck Tom Booker has surrendered himself to the wonder of autumn by catching a bug that will not make him ill enough to take time off work but will make it difficult to do anything that is not lying in bed.

He said: “I’d managed to avoid succumbing to autumn’s charms for a few weeks. But then my youngest came back from primary school and coughed in my face and here I am, diseased.

“Now I get to indulge in all the autumn traditions. Drinking four Lemsips a day. Failing to get to sleep even though I feel tired all the time. Shivering. It’s a magical time of year.

“I’ve gone all-in, too. My throat feels like it’s lined with sandpaper and my nose has been pumping out a seemingly endless quantity of snot. You can’t half-arse this sort of thing, it would be like celebrating Christmas without a tree.

“The only downside is that I’ll still be expected to indulge in all the autumn crap like marvelling at the colours of the leaves and going to a harvest festival. When all I really want to do is curl up in my wardrobe and die.”