Why it can be hard to tell if you're at a sex orgy. By Prince Andrew

SO now people are claiming I took part in one of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex orgies. But sometimes the situation is not as clear-cut as you might think. Let me explain.

It could be a naturist meeting

You might have stumbled on a group of people who simply enjoy the freedom of not wearing clothes and being in their natural state. In other words, you could be at an orgy and not realise it, which is clearly what happened to me, if I’d been there, which I wasn’t. It all makes perfect sense when you think about it.

It might be dark

If a room is not fully illuminated, it’s impossible to tell whether it’s full of people having sex with each other. So you might not even notice an orgy going on, especially if you were listening to music on earphones. So I think that pretty much proves I am completely innocent of everything.

You don’t wish to be rude

You might not be planning to have sex at an orgy, but if the host has gone to a lot of trouble – maybe they’ve made smoked salmon canapes or bought some pricey M&S mini-burgers – it would be incredibly rude not to have sex with someone. That’s not really taking part in an orgy, it’s just having good manners.

Maybe they’re just exercising 

If you’ve ever worked out with a personal trainer, you’ll know some of them can get pretty hands-on. Admittedly I’ve never heard of them exercising your penis, but it’s still possible that what looks like an orgy is actually just people getting in shape. I’m not an expert, the person you need to be asking is Joe Wicks.

It depends on your understanding of the word ‘orgy’

I’d say an ‘orgy’ has to be a proper Roman one with grapes and togas which takes place in about 50 BC. So I can categorically say I did not have sex at an orgy. My lawyer will be furious when he finds out I’ve brilliantly got myself off the hook without needing his help.

Everyone could have just got out of the bath

No one has a bath in their clothes. If I saw a group of naked people I wouldn’t think ‘That’s an orgy’, I’d think ‘All those guests just got out of the bath at the same time, became lost in Mr Epstein’s sizeable villa and are now looking for the towels’. That’s definitely what I’d think.

They could be alien shapeshifters

If you’ve ever seen Species with Natasha Henstridge you’ll realise that aliens tricking humans into mating with them is a real possibility, but that’s not having sex because it’s not human sex. I realise this sounds a bit desperate, but bear in mind I am not the sharpest tool in the box and I went on TV to claim I’d lost the ability to sweat, which would make any normal person immediately seek medical help.

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Busting a nut in the gut: Euphemisms for sex that Shakespeare probably came up with

MANY of our most beloved English phrases can be attributed to Shakespeare, so he probably came up with these delicate euphemisms for sex too, writes Sun reader Roy Hobbs.

Planting the parsnip 

Most of the bard’s plays are about shagging in one way or another. I think this is out of that ‘To be, or not to be’ speech – but I could be mistaken.

Hanky panky

Shakespeare wrote dozens of plays about various King Henrys for some reason. This was probably in a play about the comedy fat one who beheaded all those women he shagged.

The no-pants dance 

It takes a true master of the English language to think of rhyming ‘pants’ with ‘dance’. This one is so good it probably came from one of those boring love poems what he did.

Busting a nut in the gut

It speaks volumes for just how boring theatre is that Shakespeare could invent one of the great English sex euphemisms, but no one knows because who wants to see a bunch of twats prancing around in tights? It’s tragic really.


This is one of the great British classics and surely was invented by Shakespeare. Or maybe it was Winston Churchill. Definitely one of the two.

A VIP ticket for the beef buffet

Shakespeare was a master of romance, and it’s easy to imagine that bird Juliet leaning out of her tower with her tits and that asking Romeo if he’d like a VIP ticket to the beef buffet.

Visiting the bean rodeo

Despite Shakespeare living before the concept of rodeos even existed, he coined this phrase. That’s how ahead of his time he was. 

Putting a banana in the fruit salad

The state of education in this country when a woman in the pub doesn’t even know you’re quoting the Bard when you use this in one of your chat-up lines. I simply despair.

Kicking off the cucumber hootenanny

This one was told to me by a cousin from Dorset. He said it’s from Julius Caesar and I have no reason to doubt him because he’s the brainiest one in the family. He’s got a diploma in marketing from the University of Salford for f**k’s sake.