
Six supremely middle-class problems to write a newspaper column about

DO you write a column about your bourgeois life for a national newspaper? Need topics? Try these to get you started.

The Daily Mail's guide to why only scum work from home

THE Daily Mail has decided that not returning to your Covid-infested office makes you a filthy traitor who hates Britain. Columnist Susan Traherne explains why.

Where are your retired parents getting their fake news from?

HAVE you ever wondered where your retired parents find their extreme right-wing talking points?

Man more gutted about loss of Q Magazine than loss of elderly grandma

A MAN is more upset that coronavirus stole from him the opportunity to discover the 50 best Oasis B-sides than the chance to see his old nan one last time.

Six Sun headlines that could make it even more repulsive than it already is

THE Sun is the worst of Britain and has been for 40 years. But can it continue its downward spiral into evil? Perhaps with these headlines: 

The Guardian's guide to why you shouldn't enjoy that

OH dear, it looks like you’re enjoying something which the Guardian says you shouldn't. Here staff writer Nathan Muir explains how to feel guilty about everything.

We're still evil despite being right about this one, confirms Daily Mail

THE Daily Mail has confirmed it is still evil to the core despite being right about the Dominic Cummings affair.

Guardian and Mail readers exchange gifts in no man's land

GUARDIAN and Daily Mail readers exchanged gifts in no man’s land during a rare moment of solidarity before going back to hating each other.

Take a holiday of the mind, says Guardian philosopher who can f**k off

A PHILOSOPHER writing for the Guardian who has proposed that Britons take a ‘holiday of the mind’ clearly needs to f**k off.

The tabloids' guide to appalling coronavirus bullshit

NOW, more than ever, we need our tabloids. Here Sun journalist Roy Hobbs explains how their daily dose of shrieking, fabricated hysteria is keeping Brits sane in their darkest hour.