
How to respectfully get off your tits tonight

TOMORROW is an historic day of national mourning. Mark the occasion appropriately by getting deferentially drunk.

Man horrified to receive birthday card from mate

AFTER years of friendship, a man has been given a card from a mate for no comprehensible reason other than that it was his birthday.

Baileys, and other dangerously pleasant drinks

MOST alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste, because they are vile. These are so delicious you will have no idea you're pissed until it's too late.

How to have a traditional Recovery Monday

DID you hit the pub hard last night, safe in the knowledge you have today off? Do Recovery Monday in traditional style.

New couple wondering if they're ready to have first date without alcohol

A COUPLE who have been seeing each other for several week are deciding if they are ready to spend time together while not absolutely pissed.

Six things pubs think are great which are just a pain in the arse

ALL a pub needs is alcohol, toilets and, in a perfect world, seats. But your local hostelry thinks you want more. Here’s the unnecessary pub stuff that will quickly get on your tits.

From 'just one' to waking up in a ditch: a pint-by-pint timeline

GOING out for one drink always ends up with you completely shitfaced. But how do you get there? Find out with this timeline.

Prosecco and other fun drinks that become bleak as f**k when drunk alone

SOME drinks take parties to a new level but are tragic when knocked back alone. Avoid quaffing these during solo sessions.

Six great summer drinks you'll suddenly get horribly shitfaced on

A GOOD few spritzers at a garden party are harmless, right? You may revise that opinion after having a violent drunken row or blacking out and pissing your shorts. Here are some summer drinks to be wary of.

Five things you can't get through with a drink

ALCOHOL makes most of life’s problems easier, but it’s not a miracle cure. Here are five challenging situations it will not help you navigate effortlessly.