Mash TV
Films confiscated include a copy of the Dan Akroyd movie Trading Places rewound to the bit where Jamie Lee Curtis is topless.
FANS of the film Pretty Woman see whoring as a surefire route to hat shopping with Richard Gere, it has been claimed.
Drunk groom's face replaced with that of South American farm labourer after he passed out on stag do.
JUDGES at the annual crying awards said cubicles were the perfect place for moments of lone despair.
STARS of Cougar Prowl 9 and Dungeons and Dongs are to give advice on everything from quadratic equations to the early evolution of tetrapods.
SCOTTISH bakers are claiming to have created their country's first croissant.
TOYOTA'S new S900 has serious abandonment issues and if left alone for more than 90 minutes will crash itself in a bid for attention.