Man realises five years later that girlfriend was dumping him

A MAN has realised, five years after the fact, that his last conversation with his girlfriend centred on her ending their relationship.

Craft beer 'not being made by authentic wankers'

MORE than 60 per cent of craft beer is brewed by big bastard corporations rather than independent bearded wankers, research has found.

Fred West and other famous cases I have my doubts about, by David Davis MP

HELLO, Double Dave here. Despite Brexit cementing my reputation for being thick as mince, I’m 90 per cent sure Lucy Letby is innocent. I could also help these obvious miscarriages of justice.

Ronnie Wood, and other musicians hoping you're thick enough to buy their paintings

YOU bought their records, and now they want you to buy appalling artwork which proves their talent is solely musical. None of these would be hung on merit.

A confused millennial tries to… pay attention to one screen and one screen only
IN OUR age of content, I operate a three-screen minimum: TV, laptop and phone. How else can I keep up with the YouTubers, TV shows and podcasts I’m broadly indifferent to?
Clarkson unsettled by discovery that consequences exist

JEREMY Clarkson has admitted disquiet at his discovery, aged 64, that consequences exist and even worse apply to him.

Teen discovers underground, alternative music via massive mainstream movie franchise

A TEENAGE boy has been turned on to seriously obscure alternative music after hearing it for the first time in a series of popular commercial films.

Australian senator mistakes meaningless figurehead for person of power

AN Australian senator has embarrassed herself by shouting slogans at a ceremonial figurehead which could no more do anything than a statue could.

Colleague massively overestimating emotional impact of her leaving

A WOMAN is under the mistaken impression that her leaving for another job is an important emotional event for those around her.

Six Hollywood productions about ugly misfits that cast exclusively hot actors

THERE is ugliness in Hollywood, but only on the inside. Which is why the casting directors of these had to cast tanned and toned actors with glowing veneers.

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Badenoch and Jenrick to fall in far-right love

KEMI Badenoch and Robert Jenrick are, over the course of their leadership campaigns, to fall in beautiful far-right love.

Are you choosing yet another vicious, deranged freak as party leader or suffering deja vu? A guide for Tories

ARE you a Tory who feels like you’ve done nothing over the past five years apart from choosing awful nutcases to lead your party? Here’s how to cope.

'Those were crack-smoking times,' admits May

THERESA May has admitted she smoked up to ten rocks of crack a day while prime minister because 2016 to 2019 were very much crack-smoking years.

Why Sue Gray's departure proves it's over for Starmer and we've basically won, by all Tories

THE dismissal of the prime minister’s chief of staff after just three months in the job makes it unignorable: Labour are over, the Tories have won and an election is a formality.

Your astrological week ahead for October 19th, with Psychic Bob
That etiquette expert bloke is basically a dominatrix for the middle classes. ‘Oh, tell me again how common I am for using liquid soap! So humiliating! I’ve come!’


Learner driver effortlessly tackling everything empty industrial estate can throw at him

A LEARNER driver is handling the flat roads and unobstructed corners of his local industrial estate like a pro, he has confirmed.

Woman sets healthy boundaries of only doing what she wants to

A WOMAN has informed friends she is prioritising her mental wellbeing by setting boundaries of only doing what she enjoys.

Southend, Grimsby and other areas that simply cannot be gentrified

GENTRIFICATION can seem, at times, inevitable and inescapable. An area is happily shit until Negroni-sipping twats in Foxtons minis turn up. But it will never happen in these locations.

Giving a horse an OBE a sign of a sane country

THE awarding of an OBE to a horse that stood and watched cars go past is proof once and for all that Britain is sane and rational.

Toasted behind radiator, flew out of window: how you lost your childhood pets

TO you they were friends and companions. To your parents, they were teachers of the brutal reality of mortality. This is how they died.

Wear a straw boater to the local comp: How to fake your children going to private school

WORRIED that sending your kids to private school will be unaffordable with VAT on fees? Simply fake the whole thing - you’ll save a fortune, and it can be as ridiculously posh as you like!

Interpretative dance, and other crystal-clear ways to convey your sexual needs
COMMUNICATING your sexual wants can be difficult. It can be awkward, it can make your partner feel judged and your mouth may already be busy. Use these instead.


Shitty Shein scorpion breaks after first sting

A LOW-QUALITY scorpion found in a Shein parcel has fallen apart after its first and only sting, it has emerged.

9.15am. Pushed under a Tube train: A typical day in London, according to a terrified Northerner

READING about London is like watching a good horror movie for many Northerners. Here Roy Hobbs gives an account of what he firmly believes an average day in the capital is like.

Spreadsheet Steve, and five other nicknames which mean your life has gone horribly awry

PICKED up a nickname? Proud of it, even though it’s a glaring sign your life has taken a wrong turn somewhere? Any of these is a sign you need help.

Interest in Japanese culture remains intriguing quirk in women and terrifying red flag in men

A FASCINATION with Japanese culture is alternative and interesting in women and a sign of an aberrant personality and unhealthy sexual interests in men.

'That new short hair looks great on you,' grins boyfriend through barely repressed sobs

A MAN has bravely told his girlfriend how great her new pixie crop looks while pinching his inner wrist hard to hold back the tears.

Idiot spent his 20s being sensible

A FOOL threw away his 20s predominantly sober while holding down a stable job and adult relationship, it has emerged.

We ask you: if the super-rich never pay taxes, why are they so desperate to keep them low?
THE super-rich can avoid any tax they like, as they frequently tell us. But then why are they fighting so hard to keep taxes low?


Tuchel accepts his career as a successful football manager is over

THOMAS Tuchel has nobly accepted his career as a football manager who won trophies is in the past and begun a long, sad slide into irrelevance.

We ask you: why are England managers too afraid to field an all-striker eleven?

ENGLAND played five strikers on Thursday and lost. Logic dictates they should therefore increase the number of strikers to 11 for Sunday’s game, but will they?

We ask you: should we just give a random man called Lee the England job?

NOBODY seems to want the England job and fans believe anyone could do it better than Gareth Southgate, so should we let this lad Lee Carsley do it?

We ask you: who can succeed Gary Lineker on Match of the Day now?

FOLLOWING the shocking exposure of Jermaine Jenas as neither bland nor sexless enough for The One Show, who will take football’s top presenting job?

Transfer market continues to make mockery of being a football fan

THE multi-million pound transfer market is once again ridiculing the pointless allegiances of football fans.

We ask you: which team has the unquestionable moral right to win the Premier League this season?

A NEW Premier League season has begun, but which club deserves to win it most and will therefore inevitably triumph?

Science & Technology

Spunk prices up

THE price of a good, solid shot of healthy human semen has risen by a full ten pounds to a princely £45 a time.

'Did you mean something completely different that’s more profitable for me to find?' asks Google

GOOGLE is wondering if you meant a different search term which requires less effort and more showing of sponsored posts, it has confirmed.

The toilet, and five other places smartphones can never be banned

BANNING mobile phones in schools makes sense because why should they have fun? But in these sacred spaces devices should always be allowed.

Billionaire finally gets to look down on entire Earth

A BILLIONAIRE has finally achieved his dream of looking down on the entire world’s population while shaking his head condescendingly.

A working-class guide to British national treasures
STEPHEN Fry? F**k off. These are the real national treasures of Britain, according to builder Wayne Hayes and the lads down the Portakabin.

Arts & Entertainment

The Starship Troopers shower scene: The least sexy tit-shots in films

BOOBS are usually a quick, easy way to get eyes staring at screens, but these films treated them as though they are nothing more than anatomy.

The Smile, and six other solo projects you tried to convince yourself you liked

BEING into a band means you have a moral obligation to pretend to enjoy all associated solo work, and never to admit it’s crap. Loyally play the following.

BBC pledges most hellish EastEnders Christmas ever

THIS year's EastEnders Christmas episodes will set new standards in harrowing festive grimness, the BBC has promised.

Eight strong female protagonists outraged to be included in your tawdry little fantasies

MODERN cinema is proud to present positive female role models, and what do you do? Enlist them in your sordid imaginings. You should be ashamed.

F**k off with your shit 80s bonkbuster soft porn nostalgia, say young people

YOUNG people who never flicked through Jilly Cooper books for the dirty bits are entirely uninterested in their screen adaptation, they have confirmed.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Taylor Swift: easier to wank over than the Chemical Brothers
WAKING up with a perfectly clear head, I take a light breakfast, attend to my correspondence and then take morning worship, addressing the theme of the Impiety in the Modern Age without a single use of the word ‘f**k’.


Unless we get everything we want we'll all leave tomorrow, warn businessmen, investors, landlords and other Tories

A GROUP of natural Tories have warned Labour to run the country in their best interests or every one of them will have left the country by Friday.

How to fall for a banking scam: your quick and easy guide

ARE you concerned that when the inevitable call from banking scammers arrives, you will be too savvy to fall for it and end up keeping all your money? Follow these steps.

Gentrified area upset specialist cheese shop they never use is closing down

RESIDENTS of a gentrified town are dismayed that the artisan cheese shop they collectively neglected is going out of business.

Paint over the smoke alarms: the landlord's guide to interior design

TENANTS are ungrateful bastards. Always complaining about broken sinks and holes in roofs but no appreciation for the finer points of interior design. Detail is everything.

Shop staff deeply touched by empathy of former retail worker

THE overworked staff of a busy clothes shop have found great comfort in the sympathy of a woman who knows what it is like because she worked in retail once.

Five obvious ways to avoid spoilers: A guide for easily startled morons
WANT to avoid crucial plot details but don’t have an ounce of common sense? Dodge spoilers with this painfully obvious guide.


Boss asking 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' hoping to hear 'doing more work for less money'

A BOSS is hoping that his employee’s five year plan aligns with his own vision of an increased workload for decreased compensation.

'Bring Your 14-Year-Old Daughter and her Bitchy Mates to Work Day' a disaster

A BUSINESS is rethinking its morale-boosting strategy of asking staff to bring children to work after a group of teenage girls tore them to shreds.

What if being present in the office is all you have to offer? A shite employee asks

EXPERTS are disparaging the need to be physically in the office you work in as mere ‘presenteeism’. But what if that’s the only bit you’re good at?

Company's culture is alcoholism and being called John

A CONSULTANCY firm is proud of its distinctive workplace culture of drinking too much while employing multiple staff members with the same name.

Seven highly effective ways of f**king candidates over, by a recruitment consultant

HI, [INSERT NAME HERE], I came across your LinkedIn profile and thought you would be a great fit to make me look like I’ve got a wealth of candidates. Here’s how I’ll screw you over.

Do you look a twat for selling your second home last month?
OWNERS of second homes who hastily sold them in the belief that Rachel Reeves was planning to tax them have been left looking like total knobheads.


Pub closing, but colleague knows cool bar 45 minutes walk away on narrowboat behind abandoned warehouse

A GROUP of work colleagues have been assured by a co-worker that they can continue their drinking at a great bar situated a mere 45 minute walk away.

Middle-class dinner parties indulge in craze for premium strength lager

A NEW range of boutique 12 per cent lagers are the drink of choice for sophisticated urban professionals at upscale dinner parties.

What you're terrified you did while drinking last night vs what you actually did

MORNING! Oh God, what did you do? How did unwinding with three bottles of wine lead to this? What is your pickled brain claiming happened and did it?

Non-drinker mortified at all the mundane things he said last night

A MAN who absolutely underdid it on the pints has woken up mortified at the not even slightly embarrassing things he said the night before.

London scientists on brink of breaking £15 pint barrier

SCIENTISTS in Britain’s capital believe they are only months away from creating an ordinary point of beer which costs more than £15.

The top six things to eat at 2am pissed: ranked

SHITFACED way after midnight? Illogically hungry? These are the foods you will stumblingly prepare yourself, ranked from worst to best.

I never expected Tory MPs to be horrible, outdated bigots. By Kemi Badenoch
SO fellow Tory MP Christopher Chope thinks I can’t be party leader because I have children? Frankly I am shocked to hear outdated, bigoted attitudes from a member of the Conservative Party.