
Posh people evolved to speak 37 per cent louder

THE aggressively loud volume of the average posh person is in fact a product of evolution, scientists believe.

We ask you: are you interested in any other miscarriages of justice, or just this specific one?

THE Lucy Letby case is making headlines after experts claimed there were no murders. Will this prompt you to look at other unfair convictions or is it a one-off?

Are Gen Z shiftless, idle bastards throwing away Britain's future or just in their 20s? An investigation

ARE today’s young people uniquely indolent and incapable of hard work, or just at the exact age when everyone is like that? Helen Archer looks into this urgent question.

Concerns about shoplifting you'll agree with until you realise I'm a racist. By Roy Hobbs

THE new trend of extremely brazen shoplifting is worrying. You’re probably agreeing with me now, but that's before you've realised I am a massive racist.

All motorists always beeping and waving, assumes shit driver

A MAN believes the roads of the UK are packed with swearing, gesticulating red-faced motorists as he encounters so many every single day.

Deluded man swears you used to be able to buy things with a fiver

A MAN who has lost his grip on reality is convinced that goods or services could once be bought with nothing more than a five pound note.

'I wouldn't have set fire to a Holiday Inn if I'd been kept abreast of the relevant facts'

HERE I am, inside HMP Risley, for throwing a burning bin through a Holiday Inn window. When the real crime is that I was wilfully under-informed.

'I Am The Toast You Dropped Butter-Side Down': Six country songs for British audiences

COUNTRY music is all about high drama, hard liquor and cowboy metaphors. Can it be adapted to suit lower-key British audiences?

Which university to attend if you're posh but too thick for Oxbridge: A guide for the wealthy

HAVE you been excluded from Oxbridge on the totally unfair basis that you’re too stupid? Here are some alternatives for posh rejects, handily listed in descending order of snobbery.

E-bikes not as irritating as normal cyclists even though they might kill you

PEOPLE who ride e-bikes are less annoying than normal cycling dickheads, even though they could probably kill you, it has emerged.