
The correct etiquette when some bastard is sitting in your reserved train seat

EVERYONE hates asking people to move out of your reserved seat. Luckily there is established etiquette for this challenging social situation. Follow these steps to the letter.

This is the most rewarding part of the job, say teachers

BRITAIN’S teachers are basking in the satisfaction of the summer holidays, which they agree is the most rewarding part of their job.

School devises bullshit rationale for Alton Towers trip

A SECONDARY school is spuriously arguing that today’s Year 7 trip to a theme park has educational value.

Oh shit, this National Trust volunteer is in period costume

A FAMILY at a National Trust property have entered a room only to find their exit barred by an individual in period costume with a mission to educate.

Not having crippling debts for decades: The new signifiers of being working-class

THERE’S no shortage of working-class cliches, from owning a whippet to working as a horny gamekeeper. But times change, and these are the signifiers of being working-class now.

How to live in a house: a guide for millennials, by a posh girl

LABOUR have promised the financially unfortunate from my generation the chance to own a home. Might be tough for some of you who aren’t used to it. Here’s how to live in one.

National Trust revamps historic dogging site

THE UK’s oldest dogging site has been re-opened by the National Trust after a £2 million refurbishment.

British family brutally catfished by pebble beach

A FAMILY on a UK break were devastated to discover their destination had deceived them by offering only pebble beaches.

The seven things you're donating to the school summer fayre so they can be sold back to you

A RUTHLESS commercial enterprise masquerading as fun for children, the school summer fayre is screaming for your goods. What will you toss into its jaws?

35-year-old woman tells mum about parking fine in hope she'll pay it

AN ADULT woman has told her mother how upset about an unfair parking fine she is in the hope her parent will step in and pay it.