THE number of young people going to university could soon be the same as the number of young people who should be going to university, the government has confirmed.
AFTER Jon Bon Jovi successfully prevented a suicide attempt on a bridge, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has attempted to do likewise with slightly less positive results.
CAN you no longer walk down the high street without being stuck behind a gaggle of self-important slowly-perambulating freshers ? This is your next ten weeks:
TRUMP wasn’t lying about immigrants eating pets. They’ve been doing it in Britain for years, and there's a mountain of evidence if you know where to look. Such as this...
THE picturesque town of Luton in Bedfordshire is considering a levy on visitors to pay for the upkeep of its iconic but over-touristed streets.
MEN have explained that they leave the toilet seat up not because they are lazy bastards, but so women can feel confident it will not be covered in piss.
THE UK faces a generation of old people with inappropriate tattoos from neck tattoos to entire sleeves, experts have warned.
WOMEN can hardly pillow-fight in frilly nightwear while giggling without men salivating over its sexy sapphism. These behaviours give them the hopeful horn...
THE government is to force councils, even in nice places, to build nasty little red boxes and to pack them with the kind of humans who can consider such a thing ‘home’.
A SURVEY which found UK 15-year-olds have the lowest life satisfaction in Europe has come as no surprise to their parents.