We ask you: has Keir Starmer insulted Brexit by implying it has corners?

THE prime minister is in Berlin to ‘turn the corner’ on Brexit, but is his implication that Brexit is cuboid accurate or a vicious insult to patriots?
Bill McKay, landscape gardener: “The Brexit I voted for wasn’t angular in any way. It was more of an infinitely malleable superheated plasma. Starmer should resign.”
James Bates, rabbi: “‘Turned a corner’ is negative. It suggests that Brexit wasn’t completely brilliant and didn’t give everyone everything they asked for, which is nonsense. I mean look around.”
Mary Fisher, lecturer: “Scientists say the universe is the shape of a hyperdimensional doughnut, called a 3-torus. I don’t think Brexit should be afforded any less respect.”
Joseph Turner, magistrate: “I’ve always imagined Brexit as some variety of spiky bastard that fatally wounds everyone it comes into contact with.”
Hannah Tomlinson, Depop reseller: “Sorry, I was still at school at the time. What’s Brexit?”