
You'd think I would have shut the f**k up, wouldn't you? By Russell Brand

‘ELLO mateys! You’d think I’d be keeping my head down after all that sexual predator malarkey, but rampant egomania don’t work like that! Here’s the truth as I see it.

BBC stars forced to reveal what they do with the money

THE BBC’s famous names are to be forced not just to reveal their salaries but what they spend it on for the judgement of the viewing public.

An entirely speculative fact-free guide to which celebrities are definitely on Ozempic

FIRMLY convinced that, with no experience, you have the uncanny ability to spot which celebrities are using weight-loss drug Ozempic? Go ahead...

Truss, Shapps, Mordaunt: which loss did you climax to?

WATCHING a parade of Tory big names losing their seat has been a sensual and visceral pleasure. But which one really moved the earth for you?

The seven worst things you're ready to believe about David and Victoria Beckham

A NEW biography of the Beckhams attempts to dish the dirt but manages nothing but rehashing old tabloid stories. A shame, when we’re prepared to believe all this.

McKellen to return to stage as McKellen the White

ACTOR Ian McKellen is to return to the West End stage, following a disastrous fall into darkness, purer and more powerful than ever.