
Friends suspect woman not drinking at wedding is hungover

GIGGLING friends suspect a woman, aged 33 and newly married, is refusing all alcohol because she is in a delicate condition after an epic session.

Why young people must not be allowed to 'go sober'. By a middle-aged person

RESEARCH keeps showing that young people are choosing not to drink alcohol, the freaks. Here Tom Logan, 45, explains why this dangerous fad must end.

Will you be staying up, albeit blackout drunk, for Sunak?

ELECTION night looms and every politics junkie is planning an all-nighter of intoxicants punctuated with celebration as Tories lose their seats. This is your timeline...

Nervous man strokes emotional support beer

A MAN is keeping his anxiety in check by seeking reassurance from his emotional support beer, it has emerged.

Pint a delicious, refreshing depressant

ON hot days a pint of beer is a delicious and refreshing way to bring your mood right down, experts have confirmed.

Fact-checkers flummoxed by mate's anecdote about epic night out

THE nation’s fact checkers are still attempting to verify thousands of claims related to an apparently legendary night out your mate has told you about.

Wetherspoons offering all-inclusive breaks

HIGH street pub juggernaut Wetherspoons is offering customers all-inclusive breaks at its hostelries at a wide variety of UK locations.

Have you got time for a quick pint? A quiz

YOUR body, as usual, is craving a quick pint. But do you have time to squeeze one in? Take our quiz.

Major European city great place to get pissed, reports couple

A COUPLE on a citybreak have reported that Berlin is a marvellous location for getting absolutely shitfaced.

We ask you: are your children boozing enough?

ENGLAND has the highest rate of child alcohol consumption of all countries surveyed by the World Health Organisation, but are your children doing their part?