BBC news confirms existence of God

GOD is a real thing, the BBC reported today.

Senior correspondent Nicholas Witchell told viewers that Margaret Thatcher would now be ‘delivered to a higher judgement’ ending the centuries old debate over the existence of a supreme being who decides what happens to our souls when we die.

Tom Logan, from Hatfield, said: “So Thatcher will face a higher judgement? Is that a fact? Oh, it is? Well done Nicholas Witchell, you really are an excellent reporter.”

Helen Archer, from Peterborough, added: “I’ve been  struggling with this issue all my life, so thank you BBC. It almost makes up for the whole Jimmy Savile thing.”

Clarkson distraught at meeting people he couldn't offend

JEREMY Clarkson has admitted being out of his offensiveness depth at Thatcher’s funeral.

He said: “I told the old chap beside me that they should be cremating Lady Thatcher on a mountain of tyres as a two-finger gesture to the eco-mentalists who run their cars on organic hemp, and he just nodded.

“Desperate for attention, I made comments about strikers, foreigners and even said the Kia Cee’d is a fun car to drive. The mourners looked at me as if I were perfectly sane.

“I ended up serving canapes at the wake, just because I wanted them all to like me.”