Boris baby at that special age where he doesn't know who his dad is

BORIS Johnson’s baby is at that special age where he is blissfully unaware of who exactly his dad is.

Newborn Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson is so young he cannot mentally comprehend what a colossal twat his father is, and is oblivious to how much he is hated by the public.

A friend of the family said: “Frank’s less than a week old. He can barely string a thought together, let alone understand who his feckless father is. He’s lucky. For now.

“The words ‘unlawfully prorogued parliament’, ‘Partygate’, and ‘Jennifer Arcuri’ mean nothing to him. Imagine if you could say the same yourself. Just think how happy you’d be not knowing about all that pathetic Poundland wrongdoing.

“For quite some time Frank will be able to look his dad squarely in his scruffy-haired face and not be terrified that this is his destiny. Jesus, how must Jacob Rees-Mogg’s kids feel?

“I hope he enjoys his ignorance while it lasts. Gradually it’ll dawn on him that his dad is a blustering bellend whose dismal non-leadership is still shafting Britain. And you can’t unring that bell.

“Realising one of his middle names is Odysseus will probably alert him to the fact that something’s off.”

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Latest accusations against BBC presenter 'quite shit'

THE latest accusations against the suspended BBC presenter are shitter than the original, disputed accusations by some magnitude.

As a host of new claims including ‘breaking lockdown’ and being ‘obsessed with me making him a cup of tea’ emerged, a breathless Britain concluded they are, even if true, crap.

Eleanor Shaw of Sheffield said: “The original ones were proper accusations, and possibly illegal. These are mild bitching.

“Broke lockdown rules? What, like the prime minister? Travelled to a different county? Didn’t like it when a stranger they’d never met threatened to go to the press? It’s kind of bollocks, isn’t it?

“And then there’s the 17-year-old who he sent a love heart emoji to, stopped flirting with when he found out their age and switched to giving careers advice to instead. For f**k’s sake.

“I was well into this scandal at the weekend. Now it’s turning into a comedy of hapless horniness so pathetically unsexy it could be shown before 9pm.”

She added: “Oh, and he gave one of these people money and got nothing in return. That’s wrong. He should get that money back.”