Perfect cup of tea has a wank in it

THE perfect cup of tea is only achieved by a gentleman ejaculating into it, an American scientist has claimed.

Professor Carolyn Ryan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes she has, after a tour of West Country tea rooms where she was rude and overbearing to the staff, found the secret to the perfect cuppa.

She said: “Obviously you need to heat the cup, use loose leaves, and only put warm milk in once the tea has been poured and brewed. That’s not too much trouble, because it’s not like you’re having multiple cups of tea a day.

“But there was something else I was missing. An extra taste that counteracted the bitterness and gave the cup an extra salty savour. A bracing freshness that sets the taste-buds tingling.

“It seemed it could only be found, paradoxically, in tea rooms where I’d found fault. Anywhere I’d demanded a better seat, complained about a dirty table or asserted that I didn’t have all f**king day served me tea that was simply divine.

“Eventually I peeked into the kitchen and saw my server jerking off directly into my tea. I had found the secret ingredient. Now I won’t drink a tea without it.”

Office worker Ryan Whittaker said: “Gonna make a brew. Anyone?”

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Seven failed celebrity relationships you're pretty sure you could have patched up

JENNIFER Lopez and Ben Affleck are already on the rocks even though she’s hot and he’s got an Oscar. Could you have helped these famous couples? Would you even want to? 

Cheryl and Ashley Cole 

When Ashley Cole cheated on Cheryl most of the male population muttered, ‘You bellend.’ And you suspect Ashley did the same. To salvage things you’d have to do an epic amount of apologising and sign up for some sort of ‘not shagging around’ therapy, but it’s doable. You’d also have to make it up to Cheryl big time, so you’d need to budget £800 for six months’ worth of Celebrations. 

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

You probably wouldn’t want to split up someone regularly named as the hottest man in Hollywood, but that’s what happened with Rachel McAdams in 2007. You have literally no idea why they split up, but if it was something like Ryan picking his nose and eating it you’re pretty sure you could turn a blind eye. Ms McAdams didn’t, and now she’s missed out on loads of free Barbie stuff.

Noel Gallagher and Sara MacDonald

Your uninformed speculation reveals that Sara looks nice and they must have split up due to Noel being a moaning egotist who’s constantly twanging out derivative sub-Beatles toss on his guitar. You’d have rescued the relationship in three ways: buying a synth and going in a fresh new musical direction, only listening to Champagne Supernova on headphones, and doing the washing up more often.

Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift

If the gossip is to be believed, Hiddleston and Swift split because he wanted to go public with their romance and she didn’t. Or to put it another way: she’s just not that into you. Because she’s Taylor Swift she holds all the relationship cards, so your best bet would be to literally cling to her leg sobbing and begging her not to leave you, while dropping dark hints about suicide. Not great for your self-esteem, but likely what Hiddy did. 

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson

They got divorced in 2010 and the reason was pretty obviously Ms Johansson’s career going stratospheric. You personally would probably want to continue going out with Ryan as he’s extremely good-looking and your friends would be impressed, which is the main point of a boyfriend. Ryan certainly wouldn’t feel threatened by your crummy office job, unless he’s impressed by you being allowed to eat leftover sandwiches from meetings. 

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor 

Burton and Taylor were both quite a catch, but the relationship was dogged by their huge booze intake and Liz’s pill-popping. The obvious solution is cutting down in an achievable way: no cognac or opiates on week nights, then go mad at weekends. You’re no expert on substance abuse, but it probably would have been like this: ‘How are your barbiturates, Richard?’ ‘Lovely. Makes a nice change from neat vodka.’

Liz Hurley and Hugh Grant

The blame for this relationship going Versace-clad tits up lies squarely with Hugh so you’re fairly confident you could have avoided it. Not cheating on Liz wouldn’t even require a massive change to your lifestyle, unless you typically get home from work, get paralytically drunk, hop in the car and weave dangerously around the road while attempting to purchase a blowjob. Actually it’s probably a good idea not to do that even if a future with Liz Hurley isn’t at stake.