Couple considering acquiring small in-bred creature to shit in their house

A COUPLE are thinking of getting a knee-high animal with a long history of inbreeding so they can clear up its excrement. 

Joshua Hudson and Lucy Parry have spent three years together not picking up faeces, and are excited at the prospect of spending thousands of pounds for the joy of owning a living, defecating thing.

Hudson said: “I’ve always wanted to make a huge and ongoing financial and lifestyle commitment to something that will break my heart when it dies within a decade.

“And, because they look cute in photos, I’ve chosen one whose ancestors have been mating with their relatives for generations and has severe congenital medical issues as a result.

Parry added: “We’ve reached a point in our relationship where we want to have poo bags in all our coat pockets, and our clothes are covered in animal hairs and slobber.

“I’m most excited about the way our home will smell, and I can’t wait to have our food stolen and our lovemaking interrupted by a four-legged friend who barks at the slightest noise and destroys our furniture.

“After all, we weren’t planning our lives around constantly serving the needs of anything else! So why not.”

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The arsehole parent's back-to-school guide

ARE you a bloodyminded parent who loves a good row with your local school? Make the most of your little ones going back with these tips: 

Be furious about masks, either way

Is the school banning masks? They’re risking your precious ones’ lives. Are they enforcing masks? They’re trying to muzzle your Jordan like he’s a mad dog. Although given his tendency to bite other children that is justifiable.

Be in a constant state of high alert

Get Callum or Adele to text immediately if another child coughs, and be at that school’s gates faster than an anti-terrorist squad. Snatch your progeny from the danger zone then sit them in a Wetherspoons with a 3,000 per cent higher chance of infection while you yap on your phone about your excellent parenting.

Demand impossibly high standards

Is your local school unable to give every child a hazmat suit and keep them 50m apart? They may as well be giving them hand grenades to play with. Interrogate your kids daily for heinous lapses of judgement such as not boiling the felt tips after they’ve been used.

Take a hard line on handwashing

Schools will encourage more handwashing. Tell your children they don’t have to do it. If you don’t feel that’s undermining teachers enough, turn up in person and threaten to smash their f**king faces in. It just shows how much you love your kids.

Contact the local paper

If you have a genuine issue with the school’s anti-infection measures, never discuss it rationally with a sympathetic teacher. Local newspapers love dickheads like you, and you’ll soon be on the front page with the headline ‘TOT MADE TO SIT ON COVID CHAIR’, doing your aggrieved face.

Form a mob

Meet other like-minded parents by claiming the teachers, dinner persons and school hamster are all infected. Gather outside the school chanting and set a bin on fire. You’re just trying to do the right thing for the kiddies.