Man describing OnlyFans as ethical, artisanal porn

A MAN has confirmed that he prefers OnlyFans to sites like Pornhub because it provides him with ethical, artisanal porn.

Tom Logan believes anybody can knock one out over generic, off-the-peg, free porn, but OnlyFans provides something more for selective and thoughtful consumers like him.

Logan said: “OnlyFans lets me play a role in the design process and create something that’s bespoke and tailored to me, like asking a woman dressed as Princess Diana to perform a striptease on a trampoline.

“And I can send messages and build a personal connection with the content creator. I can write ‘Let me suck dem titties, babe’ and it feels just like having a chat with a stall holder at my local farmers’ market.

“You can really feel the difference when you’re consuming something made at home, helped by the satisfaction not just of an enjoyable five finger shuffle but of knowing that you’re helping an independent producer.

“I don’t want to think of a faceless corporate brand getting all the revenue from my hand shandy, but of a hardworking single mother who will use the money to buy oven chips or donate to the Labour Party.

“Is that fantasy some kind of sick kink? Hard to say, but it makes me feel less guilty about my prodigious porn habit.”

WhatsApp archive graveyard of lost loves and friendships

WHATSAPP archives are graveyards filled with lost loves, abandoned friendships and failed career opportunities, it has emerged.

Anyone brave enough to click through will find a cold shiver going down their spine as they sift through a legion of undead conversations that have not yet been fully deleted.

Francesca Johnson said: “Sometimes I realise there’s a new notification in there, which means a message has appeared in the Vault of Shame because I didn’t block some freak properly.

“I have to creep back in to the WhatsApp dungeon to finish it off, while trying to shield my eyes from the grisly sight of other slowly decomposing conversations.

“All the ex-chats are there, laying in wait. The weirdos from Tinder, their last ‘u up? Send nudes’ messages lingering like ghostly whispers on the the breeze.

“Then there’s the ‘Henz 4eva’ group chats of parties long finished and forgotten, skulking in the darkness like the rats nibbling at Miss Hanvisham’s rotting wedding cake.  Each time I dash back into the light of my live chats I swear with a grateful shudder that I shall never return to that gruesome place.”

Tinder user Tom Logan, who Johnson went on a single date with nine months ago, wrote: “heeyyy babe, wanna hook up?’