Nature mainly full of animal shit, city-dwellers discover

AN urban couple spending a weekend in the natural beauty of the English countryside have discovered it to be largely composed of mammalian faeces. 

Jack Browne and Jo Kramer believed visiting the Cotswolds would be a breath of fresh air after escaping London, but all too often were assaulted by the odours of ordure.

Kramer said: “Everyone’s on about the beautiful scenery, but we didn’t really get to look at it because we were always staring at the ground trying not to get our Nikes ankle-deep in cow shit.

“I thought nature meant strolling past trees and berries and stuff, not wandering around an outdoor sewage extravaganza with no discernible boundaries. I wanted a feast for my eyes, not to regret having a nose.”

Browne added: “There was poo everywhere. I’ve never seen such a variety of shite and I once ate three curries, two kebabs, and a large pack of dates in one evening while on the Guinness.

“Someone needs to get these sheep some Imodium. At least in Hackney burly men follow their dogs around and pick up their turds. Can the farmer not do that?”

Local Wayne Hayes: “Those city types don’t know nothing about the country. We keep it shitty because we likes it like that.”

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We ask you: what stereotypically British heatwave activity have you planned for today?

THE sun is continuing to shine, leaving weary Britons with no choice but to go outside and perform sunshine-related activities. What will you do? 

Helen Archer, chiropractor: “Set light to a disposable foil tray in my own f**king garden and burn meat on it while honking drunk. Meat half-incinerated, half so raw it could kill a dog.”

Mary Fisher, retail worker: “You can’t beat the British seaside, can you? Well you can, or the whole country wouldn’t holiday abroad, but still.”

Oliver O’Connor, roofer: “My local has a lovely beer garden. Well, not so much a garden as cordoned-off area of car park by a busy main road but I’m getting pissed, not looking at bees.”

Nikki Hollis, digital archivist: “My boyfriend and I are cycling out to the country with a picnic in a wicker basket. Ginger beer, cucumber sandwiches, scones, Pimms. Then I’m going to ride that dick al fresco like an Olympic showjumper.”

Steve Malley, osteopath: “Any sunshine activity is stereotypically British if you get horrifically sunburnt doing it. And I don’t plan to let my nation down.”