Anger as fancy beer served in ordinary pint glass

THE purchase of an expensive European lager was ruined by being served in a normal pint glass.

Friends looked on in horror as Tom Booker was handed the FrauWeiser Wheat Gold in a common pint glass before being told, ‘the fancy glasses are all in the wash’.

Booker said: “If you’re paying more than a fiver for a pint, you want a bit of pomp and splendour with it.

“If I ordered champagne and they gave it to me in a mug, I’d be well within my rights to refuse to pay for it.”

He added: “I don’t want the barman sacked or anything, but he should be suspended without pay for a week.”

Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: “The correct, fancy pint glass would have also made the pint look twice as big.”

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Man experimenting with antisocial ways of parking his car

A MAN is trying different ways of parking his car to find the ones that cause maximum annoyance.

Roy Hobbs is taking a rigorous, scientific approach to ensuring his hulking 4×4 causes problems, ranging from slight inconvenience to near-accidents.

Hobbs said: “I’ve always parked inconsiderately, but recently I felt I could be doing more to piss people off. So now I don’t take up half the pavement, I block it completely.

“If I’m parking in a row of cars I like to get right up to someone’s bumper so they have to edge backwards and forwards 20 times before they can pull out. That must make them want to rip my ears off. Fascinating.”

He added: “Another technique is parking my car quite far out in the road behind a bend. That’s great for making people stomp their brakes and use the c-word in front of their small children.

“Tonight I’m visiting a friend in hospital so I’m looking forward to leaving my car in the ambulance bay.”