Passengers desperate to know backstory of bus drivers who didn't wave to each other

BUS passengers have been speculating on a breach of protocol after two bus drivers failed to wave to each other.

The drivers passed each other in Stevenage without exchanging the customary wave in what is believed is the first instance of a ‘cold pass’ since 1973.

Passenger Helen Archer said: “We didn’t believe it at first. People were looking around to see if we’d all seen the same thing.

“I can only imagine they were in a relationship that ended in infidelity, or that their families have a blood feud dating back centuries.”

Norman Steele was standing at the front of the bus when the incident occurred. He said: “I had the best view on the whole bus, and I can say categorically that there was no wave.

“I wish I’d had my phone out. I think one of them must have reneged on a business deal, costing the other their life savings and plunging them into a world of debt and despair.”

Bus driver Susan Traherne said: “I didn’t wave at him because I think he’s a dick.”

Threatening nuclear war no longer the worst thing Trump has done this week

DONALD  Trump has impressed the international community by managing to make threatening a pre-emptive nuclear strike seem comparatively reasonable.

By declining to criticise a group of Nazis for murdering a woman in cold blood for disagreeing with them, Trump knocked imminent Armageddon off the top spot and into a second place where it competes with his suggestion he might invade Venezuela.

Political analyst Julian cook said: “For most people, the realistic threat of nuclear immolation for a large part of humanity would be a bit of a showstopper. But you know Donald, he always got to go one better.

“And from his tweets, you know he never sleeps and is always thinking of more stuff to do.”

A White House spokesman said: “It’s only Monday.”