Ten trivial things that should be part of the culture wars, by a twat

REPLACING GB stickers on cars with UK is the latest thing culture war dickheads are up in arms about. Roy Hobbs suggests more minor issues to be outraged by: 

Chips. This Anglo-Saxon delicacy is next on the wokerati’s list. We have to fight back with a media campaign recommending everyone get their five portions a day.

Shoe sizes. We don’t need confusing European shoe sizes like 41. I’m an English size 11 and proud. Well, ten-and-a-half but they’re hard to get.

Curly Wurlys. The PC brigade never mentions these fine British caramel and chocolate latticeworks. There’s no doubt a tweetstorm about how they’re colonialist even now.

Caravan holidays. True Brits can take the hardship of sleeping next to a toilet in a cramped mini-house on wheels. Not authentic enough for the woke Mafia, I suppose.

The Battle of Aliwal in 1846. Some might say a footnote in history, but I celebrate every British military victory from Boudica to the capture of Port Stanley. It should have a bank holiday.

The BSI Kitemark. A symbol of quality patriotic manufacturing and safety standards. We deserve to have it on everything great and British, though the CE mark does the same thing.

Carry On films. These British cinematic masterpieces aren’t on the school curriculum. Why not? Woke Haram apparently don’t consider Carry On Abroad to be as good as Dickens.

James Argent. ‘Arg’ from TOWIE has had a lot of personal issues, but has he put out a statement unequivocally supporting Brexit? We need to know, then start a fight about it.

British Leyland. It’s time to reevaluate the stylish lines and reliability of classic British high-performance cars like the Princess and Austin Allegro. Ignore the Wokie Blinders lies about them being ‘shit’.

Flaglessness. Some people choose not to fly a St George’s Cross outside their house or from their car windows. I’ve got two words for this: prison sentences.

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Anti-masker to find new ways of being a prick after July 19th

AN anti-mask activist is racking his brains for ways to make a prick of himself when the rules on face coverings change, he has confirmed. 

Bill McKay is counting down the days until he does not have to obey the rules he has been ignoring for months by thinking of alternative public health measures he can disregard in return for attention.

McKay said: “Elasticated pieces of fabric that save lives have been a real boon for pathetic contrarian twats like me. But with that party winding down I’ll be forced to diversify.

“Come July 20 you can expect to see me protesting against seatbelts, saying it’s a nonsense we can’t smoke in pubs, and throwing defibrillators in canals. And when I’m not doing that I’ll only be taking one lateral flow test a week. Stick that, The Man.

“I’m also busy thinking of nicknames for hand sanitiser. All I’ve got so far is ‘woke juice’ but I’m sure there’s something edgier and more moronic in there somewhere.

“Or, if it’s easier, I might flip over and become a pro-mask zealot. I reckon I could get into bellowing at fellow bus passengers that they’re gambling with my life and my granny died because they refused to wear a simple mask.

“As long as I get to be a self-righteous wanker. That’s the main thing.”