Your guide to England's dive penalty laser pointer cheating bollocks

ENGLAND won fair and square and everyone’s jealous. But malcontents are whispering about some dive-penalty-laser-pen-cheating crap. Here’s how to correct them: 

Sterling dived

The challenge on Raheem Sterling by ruthless giant Joakim Mæhle was among the harshest ever seen in football. Estimated as carrying enough force to write off a Vauxhall Corsa, Sterling only survived by throwing himself free. The penalty was nailed on. 

There were two balls on the pitch

If no other team in this championship has scored enough points to unlock the multiball, the shame is theirs and not ours. All England should be embarrassed about is failing to score two goals simultaneously when presented with a golden opportunity to do so. 

England fans shone a laser pen in the goalkeeper’s face

There’s no proof it was England fans. It could have anyone – an absent-minded hitman using his telescopic sight for a better view, a cat owner trying to amuse their pet, or aliens. In any case, hailing from the land of the midnight sun means Danes are at their most comfortable when squinting into blinding light. The laser probably helped. 

Harry Kane missed the penalty

Harry Kane did not – could not – miss a penalty, because he is the reincarnation of Richard the Lionheart. Instead, because like all Englishmen he savours irony, he allowed the Danes a few seconds to believe they had a chance before coolly slotting home the rebound just to see the look on their stupid Lego faces. 

Denmark only had 10 men in extra time

In Denmark football games often finish early because players drift off to visit the Little Mermaid, listen to Aqua or simply leaf through pornography. If a Danish player got stuck into the post-game poached cod early that’s hardly England’s fault. Indeed, by failing to take advantage with a further six goals we proved ourselves Euro 2020’s gentlemen.

Who's the most annoying in your relationship? A fun game for couples

DOES your partner frequently drive you up the f**king wall and vice versa? Find out which of you is the most annoying by totting up your scores from our list before you split up.

Shit friends: Subject your partner to: a tiresome female friend with endless boring relationship problems, or male mates who are into real ale or motorbikes. 7 points

Last-minute packing: Going on holiday? Make everything stressful by not putting stuff in a suitcase the night before and now there’s a cab outside. 4 points

Leaving the f**king lights on: Leading to the very minor but boring hassle of turning them off. 2 points.

Farting in bed: Never pleasant, but extra-horrible if you then smell them, or force your partner to in a ‘Dutch oven’. 7 points

Dishwasher and washing machine issues: Things can easily be put in an automated system that cleans them. This should not be a problem. 6 points. 

Poor taste in TV and films: Repeat viewings of Love Actually are painful. But so is your partner making you watch Aliens again for the 30th time, even if it’s the best film ever. 6 points.

Not doing sex properly: Orgasms can be achieved for both with a little consideration. However leaving your partner unsatisfied is bad, particularly if you then wander off to the kitchen to make a cheese toastie. 9 points.

Awful hobbies: Hill-walking is grim, but worse things exist. If you’re expected to be interested in Star Trek conventions or carp fishing, it may be time to get divorced. 8 points.