I have privileged access to Taylor Swift tickets for six lucky Daily Mash readers, by Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg

SUFFERING undue concern in regard to attendance at Miss Swift’s upcoming Eras tour in the UK? Agonise no further. I, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, may help.

Due to my connections in the Conservative party, the monarchy and the higher echelons of Ticketmaster – invaluable for seeing the Band of the Grenadier Guards perform Jerusalem – I may claim six tickets for any venue of this grand tour of the European continent.

And, as my cerebellum is unmarked by lesions, I have no desire to see a colonial woman perform ditties liable to engender hysteria in the weak. Therefore, I elect to give them away.

My criteria are simple and easy to meet. First, you must be a member of the Conservative party. I imagine the majority of women aged 18-25 already are.

Second, it is imperative you be of good schooling. Roedean, Wycombe Abbey, Cheltenham Ladies’ College; all are acceptable. If you do not attend a fee-paying school your parents are under no financial pressure so you may purchase tickets yourself.

Third, decorum. Propriety forbids my going into detail, but an examination by a licenced physician will be necessary. Exceptions for horse riding must be fully documented.

Finally, a brief Classics examination should sort the wheat from the chaff. Conducted entirely in Latin, successful candidates will demonstrate their knowledge of Horace, Cicero, and Pliny the Younger.

Rest assured this is not a hoax, a jape or some crude form of satire. Send all applications, sealed and witnessed, to the office of Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg MP without delay.

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Man debating how long to wait after sex before telling woman she's not his type

A MAN is wondering how long he should wait after sex before telling a woman he does not feel a romantic attraction. 

Wayne Hayes was surprised to end up in bed with Nikki Hollis after a date in which he decided against pursuing a relationship within five seconds, then focused on eating a burger.

Hayes said: “On my date with Nikki, I immediately felt that she wasn’t my type, which is odd as she has tits and that’s usually sufficient. 

“But things happen and now I’ve got to weasel out of this. I don’t want her to assume it was because she was crap in bed so I’ll break it to her gently by telling her I find her unattractive. I’m sure she won’t take it personally.

“I don’t know whether to tell her this morning or tomorrow. Maybe next week would be okay. I would’ve mentioned it earlier, but I was a bit distracted by all the sex going on and my mouth was otherwise occupied. 

“At the end of the day it was just an ill-judged one-night stand. We’re both adults so I doubt there’ll be any heavy emotional repercussions. It’ll probably all be quite amicable.”

Hollis said: “Wayne is perfect in every way. I know it’s a bit early but I’ve been thinking of baby names, where we should buy a house and what sort of dog to get. He’s a keeper.”