Trump genuinely confused as to how she can be black and Indian

DONALD Trump is still seeking clarification as to how Kamala Harris can be black and simultaneously Indian, he has confirmed.
The former president, who has never bothered to learn anything about race because he himself is white, is now wondering if all Indian people can transform themselves into another race at will.
He said: “That could be how they’re born, with a back-up option. It would make sense because they are excellent, the best, at manufacturing.
“But she was Indian all the way until she was black, and now she’s black but still has the memories from when she was Indian, and what if she turns back once she’s in office? I don’t think America can take that chance.
“It’s like Obama who claimed to have a white mother until I exposed he was from Kenya. He had to resign as president when I did that. From gratitude, because of the respect he has for me, he named me as his successor.
“But black and Indian? How would that even happen? Where would a black person even meet an Indian person? There’s no way. She needs to stop lying to the American people and choose.”
He added: “I have supporters out here who don’t even know what racist term to use, and this isn’t fair on them. They’re good people and they don’t know.”