We ask you: should the Plymouth bomb be sent back to Germany to teach them a bloody lesson?

AN unexploded World War Two bomb saw thousands evacuated and Plymouth shut down yesterday. Should we return it to Germany from 30,000ft? 

Carolyn Ryan, recruitment consultant: “It shouldn’t be our reponsibility to take it back. We should push one of those Royal Mail delivery cards through and Germany has to collect it from us between 8am and 1pm, bringing photo ID.”

Norman Steele, retired butcher: “We should let bygones be bygones, compromise and leave it in France. They hardly got bombed what with surrendering immediately, so that’s fair.”

Lucy Parry, beautician: “It’s Plymouth I blame, being so dozy they didn’t notice a 1,100 pound bomb for 80 years. And I thought Exonians were thick.”

Jordan Gardner, student: “How do we know Germany dropped it? How do we know it wasn’t Britain under a false flag operation? Sorry, I’ve been on the internet.”

Martin Bishop, haberdasher: “So it didn’t explode? Well that’s the myth of German engineering efficiency torn down, isn’t it? I for one will not be buying a BMW.”

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"They say I'm dementing. Do these eyes look like I'm dementing, Boris?"

The winner of a Daily Mash mug in our caption competition is Mark Dennison with:

“They say I’m dementing. Do these eyes look like I’m dementing, Boris?”

Runners-up are:

“…and when I press here, the voices stop.” by Jeremy Bishop

“You’re probably too young to remember this guy called Tony?” by James Day

Thanks to all of the many entrants and look out for another next week.