Five dead giveaway signs someone has just had a wank

IS your friend, colleague or spouse looking suspiciously as if they have briefly experienced bliss? Any of these signs could mean they have had a wank: 

Flushed face

A red face could mean any number of things. Anger, embarrassment, illness, spicy food, long-term alcohol abuse. But more often than not though it’s a sign of physical exertion, specifically a brisk hand shandy knocked out two minutes ago. For further proof, study their wrists for trembling from recent use.

Weird smell

Acts of self-love produce malodorous scent that do not instantly disperse. For men, a stale ammonia stench bringing to mind a rundown swimming pool. Women give themselves away by being rendolent of a harbourside on a summer’s day, or an electrical fault. Both try to cover their tracks with antiperspirant but they’re fooling nobody.

Covert fly check

There are many stages of a post-wank cleanup operation. Internet histories must be deleted. Tissues have to be disposed of. Shame must be dwelled on then repressed. Often the final, crucial step of zipping the flies is overlooked, prompting a clumsy fumble which others pretend not to see.

Happy expression

The majority of people are miserable all the time, and for good reason. The unusually chipper demeanour, cheerful whistling and spring in their step of the recent masturbator is obvious. Even lottery winners seem glum in comparison. They’ll revert to their characteristic bitterness in ten minutes.

Suspicious stain

Most stains are self explanatory. Sweat patches in the armpits, food stains on the chest, etcetera. What made those white stains around their crotch though? Yoghurt? Unlikely. An ultraviolet torch, easily available from Screwfix, will reveal the truth.

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Yellow-stickered items only rationally priced items in supermarket

THE small shelf for stock which has been damaged or is going out of date is the only section where prices are as they should be, shoppers have confirmed. 

Britons have found the only area where the cost of items reflects their wages is the section where yellow-stickered foods that are about to become a public health hazard have been reduced in price.

Nikki Hollis said: “This bit makes sense. The entire rest of the shop is insane.

“I know about inflation and all that, but a big bag of crisps used to be a pound on offer and now it’s two-fifty. That’s not explainable under any rational economic system.

“Staff are patrolling the staff increasing prices in relays. Offers are going from ‘buy one get two free’ to ‘buy nine, get one free’ to ‘buy one, get f**king one’. A tin of tomatoes was repriced in my hand. Eggs are so expensive they’re sold individually.

“Only at the yellow stickers does the world still function in a way it’s possible to understand. Whether it’s a tub of potato salad that goes off later tonight or cans of root beer with dents in, the prices are reasonable.

“Not cheap though. In fact they’re a bit on the high side.”