Taking charge of the barbecue, and other things middle-aged men to have wet dreams about

YOU used to have normal wet dreams about engaging in sexual acts with attractive humans. But now you’re middle-aged, this is what gets you hot:

Lidl middle-aisle deals

The internet’s wildest pornography can’t produce the same physical rush you feel when you find a heavily discounted inflatable lilo in the middle aisle at Lidl. And as for the time you stumbled across a pressure washer with integrated hose reel, well, you still blush at the thought.

Taking charge of the barbecue

Once you hit 45, you stop measuring your virility in how often you want sex and start measuring it in your ability to grill meat. What greater thrill is there than seizing the tongs from a hapless fellow father at a neighbour’s birthday barbecue and valiantly saving some sausages from becoming overly charred? Absolutely none.

200 balls on the driving range

A barely-clothed Margot Robbie swims into your vision, beckoning you to follow. You walk behind her, through a hazy dreamscape, intrigued. Suddenly, the mists dissolve, revealing a driving range. Margot Robbie hands you a driver and a basket brimming with golf balls and departs, leaving you alone. You wake, sweating and delirious.

A military history museum

As a young man, your idea of dirty talk was hearing an attractive woman describe how and what she was planning to do to your genitals. Now though, in your 50s, remembering that infographic you saw in a WW2 military museum outlining the number of tanks involved in the Battle of Kursk will set you off instantly.


Kublai Khan built his fabled pleasure dome in Xanadu. But your own personal pleasure dome can be found on an industrial estate just off the Swindon bypass. When your partner angrily wakes you to ask who you were dreaming about while making those moaning sounds, you quickly reply ‘Kylie‘ rather than admit it was the B&Q Dartmoor oak effect laminate flooring.

A quiet pint alone

Fantasies of hedonistic nights out have given way to a simple desire: a rural pub, a single pint of weak ale, and silence. In your vision, you sit in the pub waiting for friends to arrive – is this a nightmare? But then, your phone pings: they’ve all cancelled. What dreamy bliss.

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Everyone polyamorous now except for you

EVERYONE in the world is now polyamorous except for you, it has been confirmed. 

Research has found that the vast majority of people are doing loads of exciting sex stuff with tons of people on a regular basis, and you are not.

Professor Henry Brubaker of the Institute for Studies said: “After centuries of monogamy being the only acceptable way to conduct a relationship, people are now happily and consensually playing away from home with other hotties. Apart from you, sadly.

Most of the population is in a polycule of three or more, having thrilling sex with multiple people, while still enjoying the safety and security of a stable relationship.

“We think it really took off after Carol Vorderman outed herself as poly on This Morning. You can’t get more mainstream than Vorders cosily discussing her five partners with Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary, can you?

“So now everyone’s at it. That includes your parents, your aunty and uncle, your boss, most of your colleagues, and definitely the ex you still can’t think of shagging someone else without bursting into tears.

“They’re all having an absolutely wild time of it. It’s just you that’s not. Tragic.”