Busy mum saves time by preparing marital arguments in advance

A WOMAN has unlocked new efficiencies in her packed weekly schedule by preparing ahead of time a selection of complaints, insults and resentments to fire at her husband. 

Carolyn Ryan, a 41-year-old mother-of-two, was struggling to balance the demands of parenting stress, work hell and marital strife until she discovered ‘batch-griping’.

Ryan said: “I was daydreaming about screaming in my husband’s face for him to help me clean up the kitchen one evening when I realised I was also pissed off that he’d pushed the rubbish down in the bin instead of emptying it, and spent 30 minutes on the toilet instead of helping with bedtime.

“I realised that by prepping ideas for later I would save time on argument admin during the week. Conflict between us is now easy because I’ve always got a variety of fully thought out axes to grind with him. Some of them go back years, which makes our relationship nit-picking extra methodical.”

“The only thing I need to figure out now is what I’m going to do with all the spare time I now have during the week. Perhaps I’ll start anticipating all the ways he might piss me off in the future as well.”

Husband Tom Ryan commented: “Communication is so important in a relationship, even if it’s insane one-sided yelling.”

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Which side will you be on in the civil war that won't happen? A quiz

THE UK is not about to erupt into civil war, but if it did which side would you be on? Find out with this quiz.

Where do you get all your news and information?

A) The BBC, The Guardian, maybe The i if I’m feeling a bit naughty. I’ve always been tempted by Good Morning Britain but I was conditioned not to watch ITV by my parents.

B) Twitter accounts with blue check marks, conspiracy theory forums on Reddit, and my drinking buddy Wayne who has the Union Flag tattooed on his face.

How would you describe your ethnicity?

A) Reluctantly white/ other.

B) (Chanting) white, white, white, white. Or aren’t I allowed to shout that into your face anymore?

What were you up to last Sunday?

A) Anxiously watching news of the riots while curled up in the foetal position and sucking my thumb. It’s all a bit much, isn’t it?

B) My lawyer has advised me not to answer that question. Next.

A crime has been committed, what do you assume about the suspect?

A) Nothing. I patiently wait for all the evidence to be compiled and verified before processing it. Like you’re supposed to.

B) Instantly jump to conclusions that reinforce my racist worldview. When my theories are debunked I double down and get a brick thrown at my bollocks.

What do you think of Elon Musk?

A) He’s a complete tech-bro douchebag whose own daughter has publicly turned against him with a damning tirade, which speaks for itself. Also his shit cars look wank.

B) He’s a genius who has foreseen civil wars for years. Sooner or later his prediction must come true and his towering intellect will be validated. Plus he went out with Grimes who I also fancy.


Mostly As: Congratulations, you are on the side that would win the hypothetical civil war facing the UK. Not because you would make any difference personally, but because the opposition is a bunch of twats wearing hoodies and you have the army fighting on your behalf.

Mostly Bs: Unlucky, you’re on the losing side that would be clubbed into submission by riot police and surrender on day one. Don’t expect the ring-wing press or Nigel Farage to come to your rescue either, they’ve all covered their arses by abandoning you.