Woman hospitalised after accidentally reading old sexts in cold light of day

A WOMAN has been rushed to hospital after rereading ‘steamy’ messages only meant to be seen in the dead of night after too many glasses of wine.

Kelly Howard was innocently looking through an old chat for the name of a restaurant when she suddenly found herself face to face with hundreds of words of sexual, but deeply unsexy, prose. 

Speaking from intensive care, Howard said: “The sexting was the result of a large quantity of gin and suddenly getting the urge to get back in touch with a ‘friend’ of mine.

“It felt saucy at the time but reading it all back on public transport yesterday, in broad daylight, was too much to bear. I felt sick, faint and likely to die of embarrassment, but luckily another passenger called an ambulance.

“I’m truly horrified by what I said about our respective genitalia and things I wanted to do. I’m not even sure what I meant by ‘spicy cock grinder’ and needless to say I don’t want to ‘hop into a bird bath filled with love muscle juice’.

“The doctors say I’ll be fine in a couple of days, but I’m to delete everything I saw as a precaution, especially the bit about spanking. Why did I say that? I’m not even into it.”

She added: “I think the thing causing me most pain at the moment is the misplaced apostrophes.”

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Prince's Batdance, and other novelty songs you secretly love

YOU feel obliged to dismiss novelty songs as rubbish in case you look like a tasteless pleb, but there are some that you secretly adore, like these:

Batdance – Prince

Most music from Batman films is as dour and miserable as the Caped Crusader himself, so Prince’s 80s synth-pop inspired by the 60s TV show is a beam of fun and colour in the darkness. It’s fairly unhinged and the video features the least iconic Batman imagery ever: women dressed as Kim Basinger in 80s mini-dresses. What’s not to like?

Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) – Baz Luhrmann

Before depressed beef-and-salt muncher and pretend intellectual Jordan Peterson turned up with his 12 Rules For Life, people who thought self-help books were for hippies got all their advice from Baz Luhrmann’s song. It’s shorter and a lot more fun than Peterson’s ramblings, and isn’t in favour of misogyny or Hitler, which tends to improve a song.

Eat It – Weird Al

Now that Michael Jackson has been comprehensively cancelled you can’t be caught listening to his records, but luckily ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic has got your back. Yes, it’s silly, but the music is still great and it’s got a sense of humour, which Jacko never seemed to, despite having a chimp named Bubbles and living in a theme park.

Macho Man – The Village People

While YMCA is genuinely annoying, Macho Man is a disco classic that you pop on while cooking and dance around the kitchen to. You can’t tell anyone though. Not because they might think you’re gay, but because they might suspect that you haven’t listened to any of those Radiohead records that you made such a fuss about buying.

Saturday Night – Whigfield

When sober you dismiss his as the tackiest piece of Euro-pop imaginable, but once you’ve got a couple of drinks inside you you’re the first on the dance floor doing the incredibly easy and hypnotically repetitive dance. In fact, it’s the only dance you can do without looking like an uncoordinated dickhead, and you’re eternally grateful to Whigfield for that.