Couple kissing in public really going for it

A COUPLE kissing outside a Sainsbury’s Local are really putting the work in, passers-by have agreed.

The couple, who are thought to be aged between 18 and 35 but are so entwined it is impossible to tell, are treating observers to an extraordinary display of top-drawer snogging with no end in sight.

Helen Archer said: “I only popped out for brioche, but found my eyes following them in lustful, fascinated intrigue. They were at it like knives.

“I haven’t seen snogging like that since my mate Marie kissed the boy I liked at the school disco and couldn’t stop because she was too afraid to face me. That is full-on. I was so riveted I forgot to pay for the brioche.”

Julian Cook agreed: “Hands in hair, hands on buttocks, changing angles, that couple is there for the long-haul. If you walk past close enough you can hear little whimpers.

“They’re totally oblivious to their audience. There was a ripple of applause when she wrapped her leg around his upper thigh but they didn’t even acknowledge it. I would have stayed longer, but I had a box of Magnum Classics thawing out.”

Kisser Lucy Parry said: “People were watching? Ew! What’s wrong with them?”

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We were fully aware we were being ripped off for petrol, say motorists

THE Competition and Markets Authority has informed motorists who spent a year being grossly overcharged for petrol that it happened. 

The watchdog investigated the UK fuel market and has produced a report detailing the entirely bloody obvious fact that supermarket petrol prices were hiked because they are profiteering bastards.

Driver Martin Bishop said: “Yeah. I f**king noticed.

“When you’re paying an extra 30p a litre for diesel for no reason whatsoever during a cost-of-living crisis, it tends to stick in the mind.

“I also noticed prices dropped the very week you said they were too high, so maybe do that earlier next time? I for one am happy for you to try it even if all the evidence isn’t in.

“Yes, bringing in a system so we can see prices without physically driving around to petrol stations is a good idea. It’s a good idea to have had in 2002 when the internet was young, but congratulations on finding your way there eventually.

He added: “I look forward to hearing I’m being ripped off for food, energy and bank savings rates in what, 12 months? Give me a shout when you get round to it. Pricks.”