Doncaster man labelled nepo baby after getting job in garage through dad's friend Kevin

A DONCASTER man who got a part-time job in a garage through his father’s friend has been labelled a ‘nepo baby’.

18-year-old Jack Browne will soon begin work as a trainee mechanic after father Bill persuaded his mate Kevin to offer Jack the position.

Local man Wayne Hayes said: “It’s sickening to witness people using family connections and the structures of hereditary privilege to climb the greasy pole in what should be an egalitarian meritocracy. This is just like when Roy gave his daughter Kelly a job in the chippie on the corner without advertising the post.

“Every time I take my car in that garage and see Jack changing my tyres, it’ll be like being slapped in the face by the forces of influence and favouritism.

“Think of all the hard-working jobseekers who have lost out, thanks to the years Bill has spent currying favour with the lads on the pub darts team, always with one eye on the wealth and success it could provide for his offspring. It’s disgusting.”

Jack Browne said: “Being a nepo baby is actually a disadvantage and means I have to work twice as hard to prove I’m not here through my family connections alone. Anyway, I’d rather work for Tesla but my dad hasn’t got quite the same sway with Elon Musk.”

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Heroic feminist ally keeps views about astrology to himself

IN an act of heroic feminist allyship, a considerate man has kept his views to himself throughout a conversation about star signs.

Jordan Gardner was sat in a café with friends Lucy Parry and Sophie Rodriguez when they began to talk about Sophie’s horoscope as if it was worthy of serious discussion.

Gardner said: “For 20 long minutes I sat there with clenched fists and a vein bulging in my temple, and only interjected with polite nods and murmurs of agreement while Lucy told Sophie not to look for a new job because Mercury is in retrograde.

“I respect women completely and passionately believe in equality of the sexes, but, honestly, sometimes they come out with what can only be described as absolute female nonsense.”

Lucy Parry said: “We were testing Jordan and we’re impressed with how he coped. It was an act of feminist heroism not far removed from Emily Davison throwing herself beneath the King’s horse.

“However, he did stumble at the next hurdle when I got out a Rider-Waite deck and asked if he would like a tarot reading and he started visibly shaking, so there’s still progress to be made.”