'Is that the penis or the nose?': What not to say when someone shows you an ultrasound photo

IS a pregnant friend insisting on showing you their ultrasound scan? Here’s what you should definitely avoid saying.

‘Eurgh, what is that?’

To a soon-to-be parent, it’s the most beautiful thing that has ever existed. To you it looks like an amorphous blob, possibly a jellyfish or some other freakish deep sea creature. But don’t express your fear or disgust or they’ll be mortally offended and never speak to you again. Let’s just hope the kid doesn’t still look like a translucent squid at secondary school.

‘Is that the penis or the nose?’

Showing an interest is good, but avoid getting into specifics such as suggesting that their precious unborn’s delicate little nose looks a bit like a knob. They will never be able to unhear your comment and will forever call the kid ‘Dick Nose’ in their head, essentially ruining their relationship forever, you callous bastard.

‘Looks a bit like an alien, doesn’t it?’

When someone shows you one of these photos, all they want you to do is make some cooing noises and say ‘How beautiful’ in an appropriately simpering tone. Grabbing the picture, really giving it some thought and declaring the infant looks like an alien, a mutant, a piglet or Phil Mitchell is not appropriate and will probably make them cry.

‘Oh god, not another one’

At some stage a couple of decades ago these pictures were amazing and at the cutting edge of technology. Now they’re ten a penny and you can’t scroll through Facebook for two minutes without seeing one. However, all parents think their baby is a unique and wonderful miracle, so you should avoid sounding obviously bored when they thrust their image of Blob #579 in your face.

‘Weird how much it looks like your ex’

If you really want to stop someone showing you the pictures, suggest it looks oddly like the mother’s previous partner. It will really piss her off and, if the father is there too, probably cause a huge argument. They’ll think twice before asking you what you think of their special little bundle again.

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Rishi Sunak's nine-point plan to fix the NHS and its nine obvious flaws

THE prime minister has unveiled a nine-point plan to restore the NHS to its pre-2010 glory, with nine glaringly obvious flaws.

One: ‘The 15-year plan’

The Sunak administration has less than 18 months to live. It is a terminal case and no miracle will save it. This plan goes straight in the bin next year.

Two: ‘Create an army of junior and apprentice roles’

Engaging Britain’s most reliable workforce, teenagers, who definitely won’t f**k off your hip operation because their mate’s got Latitude tickets.

Three: ‘Doctors and nurses training on wards straight from A-levels’

Students are not known for being sober, responsible people; medical students doubly so. It might be better if they got the binge-drinking out of their systems first.

Four: ‘Regulators asked to shorten medical degrees’

The regulators, more concerned with the Hippocratic oath than positive Times headlines, will say ‘No’.

Five: ‘Plugging a black hole of staff’

Staff are leaving because they are underpaid. They emigrate or do the same job in the same hospital for twice the money through an agency. While underpaid they will continue to do so.

Six: ‘AI’

This means f**k all. Every plan has ‘AI’ in it these days. You can’t paint a fence without some dickhead asking if you’ve thought of involving AI.

Seven: ‘Improving culture, leadership and wellbeing to retain staff’

See point five re. underpayment. You are currently, while spouting this culture shit, refusing to raise pay. A new boss and a poster in the nurses lounge will achieve nothing.

Eight: ‘It will save the taxpayer £10 billion’

No it won’t. Nothing this government does saves anyone money. All it does is cut and cancel and still it costs more.

Nine: ‘This is the most radical modernisation and reform of the workforce since the NHS was founded’

This is an attempt to get good press that will last until later this afternoon when footage of Boris Johnson leading a Chequers Covid Conga is leaked.