'Being fined for dangerously speeding on the motorway got your attention,' says triumphant Ed Davey

AFTER trying to make the electorate notice him with a series of entertaining japes, Sir Ed Davey has finally got the attention he craves by being fined for speeding.

The Lib Dem leader fell off a paddleboard and comically careered down a steep hill on a bicycle in a bid to centre himself in the election campaign, but getting in trouble for going 73mph in a 60 zone has got him the recognition he craves.

A Liberal Democrat insider said: “It’s tricky for Ed. Sunak and Starmer get loads of attention because they’re the main contenders, and Nigel Farage gets it because people love to hate him.

“But Ed just sort of bumbles about on the sidelines. Everyone knows he’s never going to be prime minster. But they also know he’s not going to get a milkshake chucked over him by an irate member of the public. So he has to do ever more bizarre things just to stay in the public eye. Bless him.”

Ed Davey said: “The paddleboard thing was a laugh, but driving dangerously on the motorway gives me a dangerous edge, like Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious, right?

“Oh, actually I just seem like a shit driver? Why do I always misjudge these things? Anyway, vote for me, even though you and I both know it will achieve nothing.”

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