A confused Millennial tries to… have a nuanced opinion

by Josh Gardner, who gets his information via TikTok dancers sponsored by Invisalign

IT’S important to have an opinion. Otherwise how could you properly engage with a listicle ranking every Marvel movie from worst to best?

But not every view is as clear-cut as Black Panther above Captain Marvel. With some things – especially political stuff, not so much ranking 100 Gets tracks – actually neither view can be entirely right or entirely wrong. I know, mind-blown emoji.

When you’re used to thinking in memes, that’s tricky. Apparently neither ‘are we the baddies’ or two Spider-Men pointing at each other fully encompasses the contradictory nature of the human experience.

I came across this first-hand when my Dad was reminiscing, insensitively, about taking me to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Talk about a major red flag.

‘Yeah, like Merry Terfmas Dad,’ I hit out. ‘Don’t you realise what that author spends her millions on? When we went to see that play we were funding hate. We should film a YouTube apology.’

‘Ah, she’s said some stuff, but we had a lovely day,’ he blunders, like the 70s Boomer he is. ‘Your face, honestly, you couldn’t have been more delighted. And whatever you think now, she wrote some good stories.’

I pick up my phone, obviously, as a reflex defensive action but before Insta’s even open I realise that, incredibly, he has a point. Goblet of Fire fucking slaps, and Deathly Hallows isn’t far behind. ‘How?’ I blurt out.

‘Well, you separate the art from the artist, son,’ he drones, while I read Succession recaps to calm myself. Never seen it but I like to go in prepared. ‘And that’s far from the only one.’

‘Just Stop Oil? Great cause and posh twats,’ he continues, puffing his vape. ‘Churchill? Racist who stopped Hitler. Your mate Marvin? Means well but he’s a total arsehole.’

Exhaling lemon-and-lime flavoured wisdom, he adds: ‘Perhaps, when you’re older, you’ll develop contradictory opinions of your own. Or just any opinion that isn’t off your bloody hive mind.’

My anxiety manifested and I fled to my safe space, watching Twitch streams in the safe space of my bedroom. What if he was right? What if my dislike of Taylor Swift wasn’t because of internalised misogyny but because her music’s crap?

I think that will be my first and last dalliance with a nuanced opinion. I don’t want to get hooked and end up having my own intricate, multi-faceted views. Though he is 100 per cent right about Marvin.

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Let's move to a desert of money, oil, glass buildings and influencers! This week: Dubai

What’s it about? 

A vast, flashy, glittering, multicultural metropolis emerging from the desert like a mirage, the high-glitz, high-glamour city of Dubai opens its arms to foreigners of any race, religion and nationality so long as they represent economic value.

With its optimism, boundless, pulsating energy and climate-destroying carbon reserves, here anyone can be who they want to be, mostly due to the preponderance of plastic surgeons.

The possibilities are endless – unless you want to join a trade union, be gay, have sex outside of marriage or voice an opinion on the government. Then you can experience a different multicultural melting pot in the form of a 96 degree prison cell.

But forget trifles like democracy and free speech – here the vibe is fun, frolics and tax avoidance. With its gaudy ostentation, air-conditioned malls and obsession with designer labels, the whole place is one massive Harrods with fewer Emiratis.

Any good points? 

The luxury. Home to over 67,000 millionaires, here supercars are so quotidian that even the police drive Bugattis. It’s like taking a trip to a rap video.

There are laws against the ownership of exotic animals, but laws don’t apply to the super-rich so you’ll often glance over at the lights and see a Lamborghini with a cheetah in the passenger seat.

Don’t worry about their welfare – fed regularly, roaming penthouse apartments, they’re far better off than guest workers in Dubai’s many labour camps. The pumas have passports. The Nepalis have theirs confiscated.

Why are you really here? Why would anyone come to a desert? Why have you begun a new life far from anyone you know? Because you get paid shitloads of money. You can also play golf.

Beautiful landscape? 

Depends how you feel about sand dunes. The Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, offers views as far as Iran on a clear day, allowing you to see a hot, sandy, repressive state making drones for Russia. It’s a modern-day version of the Great Pyramids, also built by slaves.

Fancy something lower? Al Seef, nestled on the banks of Dubai Creek, is an attempt to preserve – or, rather, create – Dubai’s history. You can ride a dhow boat, haggle for traditional Middle Eastern crafts made in China and remember when Dubai was a sleepy port at the heart of the pearlfishing trade.

But like everything else in Dubai, it’s faker than the tits on the hostesses at BLU nightclub. Special points for spotting the Starbucks built in traditional rustic Arabian style.

Hang out at…

The whole city’s a party. Hit the Marina to see the latest in money-extracting nightclub tech or find one of the famous Friday lunchtime boozy brunches which begin with canapés and champagne and end with a story in the Daily Mail.

For a slower pace, Jumeirah Beach Residence has a variety of sports bars and British-style pubs recreating a slow night at a working men’s club in 1960s Mansfield in 40-degree heat. Come along so men named Nigel can tell you about their divorce.

Remember drugs, nudity, and public displays of affection are all widespread and illegal. The risk of being banged up for life for any minor infraction really adds savour to an evening.

Where to buy? 

If you can afford it, the Palm. Dubai’s most expensive neighbourhood, a chain of artificial islands in the shape of a palm tree, is home to any number of Italian and Russian businessmen who just love Dubai’s relaxed extradition laws.

Packed with expats, where else could a middle-ranking supply chain logistics manager from Birmingham cosplay Lord Grantham from Downton Abbey, inspecting the fingernails of the uniformed staff before he heads out to Pizza Hut?

Most jobs come with accommodation provided, so welcome to your apartment in a skyscraper staring at another skyscraper, isolated and alone, spending long nights thinking of the money you’re making.

From the streets:

Mehad Alameri, aged 25, multi-millionaire: “Dubai is the most marvellous place in the world because we can buy everything marvellous in the world. I have bid on Romelu Lukaku as a pet.”

Joe Turner, aged 35, a supply chain logistics manager from Birmingham: “Where the fuck is my fucking driver?”