Burnt burgers in pissing rain: the gammon food critic's barbecue invitation

Restaurant reviews by Justin Tanner, our retired food critic who believes an independent Boris-and-Nigel party would win in a landslide

WHICH dickhead decided barbecues are macho? Standing around outside burning food over fire? Pretend you’re a caveman if you like but you look like a Boy Scout to me. 

There’s no call for acting like a primitive to reclaim your culinary manhood. A real bloke gets his wife to do it.

Obviously I’m at a divorce disadvantage there, but I’ve got new neighbours. Invited me around for a housewarming in the garden. I might as well be sociable because I might need to borrow a hedgetrimmer and never return it, like with the last lot.

We get off to a poor start when I turn up and they’ve got one of these fucking gas barbecues. I point out that it’s not a proper barbie and they might as well have just dragged the cooker into the bloody garden. They’re only speechless because I’m right.

My patience exhausted by politely waiting for the host to pour drinks, I help them out by getting myself a bottle of Riesling and wave away offers of a glass. ‘Less washing-up,’ I explain between swigs.

As the meat chars, I try making conversation, but it’s all about kids and schools. I bring up the atrocities of the Burma Railway – just read a book about them – and nobody wants to know.

Anyway I’m here for the food, and thank fuck it’s free. Barbecues are beefburgers, sausages, red sauce, and bread buns. End of. So what’s all this bollocks? Chicken souvlaki, corn on the cob, and endless fucking salads.

Not to mention the culinary abomination that is veggie burgers. Rusk and sawdust pretending to be meat for thin-blooded dickheads pretending not to be carnivorous. You might as well grill air for ghosts.

They run out of booze early, or at least I can’t find any, and my offers to pop to mine for a crate of Red Stripe are firmly rebuffed. Welcoming them to the neighbourhood, I stagger home.

There’s no call for cooking outdoors when you’ve got a kitchen. Barbecues are for wankers and show-offs. Still, I’m full of meat and booze and piss in my own garden, as a mark of courtesy. Next door can hear me though.

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How to be the odd one out at a sex party, by the Mash sex columnist

FACE it, no matter how longingly you stare at the gimp suits in the window of the fetish shop, you’ll never end up at a sex party. You’re just not the type. 

And if you did, even in a room where the one rule is fuck anything that moves you’d end up making it awkward. This is how you’d embarrass yourself horribly while having your arse out:

Try too hard

You know how there’s always ‘that guy’ at a normal party? Be over-keen and soon you’re ‘that guy’ at the sex party. The horny can smell desperation so arriving lubed from head-to-toe, panting like a puppy, pretending you’re up for anything and it’s clearly all front? Nobody will want your leather-buckled body anywhere near them.

Ignore the dress code

Like a restaurant that won’t let you in without a tie, exclusive sex parties will turn you away at the door if you’re not stark bollock naked. Kicking up a fuss and demanding the manager when asked to strip is a great way to announce that you absolutely do not belong in this relaxed, free-spirited playground of Eros. You’ll leave clothed and ashamed.

Remain unaroused

Being the lone person trying to summon a stiffy in the midst of a great, writhing mass of pleasure is a buzzkill. You’re as good as telling the couple engaged in enthusiastic doggystyle before you that they’re flabby and have bad tattoos. Being found later on enigmatically flicking through a book in a stairwell isn’t intriguing and nobody cares.

Have a jealous fit

Deciding to attend the party as a couple but then freaking out when you see your husband going wild on a bearded man’s knob will mark you out as a newbie. Pretend you’re into watching it, make chit-chat then move on to the kitchen and smear yourself in cream like a normal person.

See it as a networking opportunity

Take your authentic self to the orgy, but don’t hand out business cards. Nobody has anywhere to put them, apart from the big-boobed who can tuck one under each, and people aren’t receptive to B2B marketing pitches when they’ve got a different cock in each hole.

Just be yourself

Stop overthinking it! Just be your uptight, non-free-spirited self and your unease will ruin if for everyone. Whether it’s paranoia about STDs or cracking wise at an inopportune moment, you’ll soon be wanking alone in the upstairs loo.