Five ways to get yourself into a nice comfortable sexual rut, with the Mash sex columnist

CALL it a rut, call it a comfort zone, call it three minutes each of oral followed by five minutes of no-eye-contact sex, but it’s the bedrock of the majority of marriages. 

Cutting out the worrying prospect of trying something new, a good rut lets you settle in as snug as a memory foam mattress. And you can get there by dedicating just a little growing-apart-time each day. Here’s how to neglect that lovin’ feelin’:

Let yourself go

The simplest way to initiate a decade of straight missionary with the lights off is to render yourself unattractive. Take it seriously, like Charlize Theron uglying up for an Oscar. Whether you’re picking your feet all evening, snacking on a family bag of onion rings before bed or reminding your husband how far you’ve slid by squeezing your settled-relationship body into your old slinky-singleton clothes, give him every excuse.

Up your stress levels

High levels of stress are an excellent way to make yourself too distracted to get your head in the right place to come. Or, for the guys, to bother try to make her come. Simply engineer a way to make life a massive ballache: organise a big party, move house, start an affair: whatever it takes to render yourself too anxious to access your own fantasies.

Never speak

If communication is the key to nurturing an exciting sexual relationship, foregoing all communication is an excellent way to shut one down. Eat exclusively in front of I’m a Celebrity, invest in noise-cancelling headphones and wear them constantly. Before you know it you’ll be rutting in a rut.

Be knackered

The equivalent of stress but for the working classes, exhaustion is an easy way to guarantee none of that new position shit. Train for a marathon, become a 7am gym bunny, start working nights at a fish-gutting plant: do whatever it takes to cut your libido to a nice manageable 0.01. You’ll still have sex, but it’ll be perfunctory.

Party time

If consumed irresponsibly enough, alcohol blunts the joy from every activity. If you’re too pissed to do anything but the usual, you’re ready to go at your partner with an instinctive lack of imagination. You’ll be finished before she knows it and fast asleep while she gets herself off; perfect for Christmas. Happy Season’s Sexual Rut, everyone!

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Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Once you go black, you never go back. Because that toast is ruined.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Don’t think those grasping Greek bastards will be content with the Elgin Marbles. Next they’ll want the Dundee Power Ball and the Swindon Space Hopper.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

Why do women need boyfriends when they can just look on IMDb for quotes from Fight Club and Scarface?

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

A haunted painting of someone who reaches out of the frame menacingly makes a great gift for film viewers who can’t see things coming a mile off.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

They say the most exciting part of a crush is wondering if the person loves you back. Apart from them escaping from the basement while you’re at work.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

This week you’ll see someone who normally wears glasses without them on and their face will look oddly naked. That’s their bedtime face, so it’s a bit like you’ve had sex. (Under no circumstances attempt to explain this to them.)

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

If a recipe asks you to simmer for 20 minutes, just think about Michelle Mone getting £29 million for fuck all while you couldn’t go to the pub during lockdown.

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

Destiny sees a stranger in sneakers trying to convince you Shakespeare was black. Doctor Who, 6.30pm, Saturday, BBC1.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

Your cat only likes snuggling up to you so that if you die it will have prime face-eating access.

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Don’t be outdone by your neighbour’s inflatable snowman by genetically engineering real elves from the DNA of cheerful short people and chaining them to posts in your garden. Remember to kill them by 6th January though or it’s bad luck.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Rocky’s less-mentioned personal struggle is having a girlfriend with the same name as Adrian Chiles. That can’t have been easy during sex.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

You share a star sign with Dukes of Hazzard hottie Catherine Bach, but as a 53-year-old male plumber those hot pants aren’t doing you any favours.