The Archbishop of Canterbury on… an army of f**king robot Murdochs

WAKING up in my chambers, which confuses me momentarily, I recall the momentous events of yesterday. I was to deliver the eulogy of the former Bishop of Tyne & Wear, a much beloved Christian gentlemen whose passing was mourned by all. 

I stood solemnly at the lectern. ‘Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,’ I began, ‘We are here to celebrate the life of the eminent Bishop Wilkes. However, it would be remiss of me at this time not to address a more pressing matter. The railway company LNER and what they laughingly call their wifi service. It never fucking works. I don’t mean it’s unreliable or it cuts out frequently. It never. Fucking. Works. Full. Fucking Stop. Sort it the fuck out you useless bunch of cunts!’

Upon which I am carried shoulder-high down the aisle by the congregation, cheering and punching the air, the Bishop’s coffin knocked from its stand in the process. Satisfied that I have used my platform to right a wrong, I take breakfast and peruse a periodical. 

Therein I read that Conservative MP Lee Anderson has said asylum seekers who do not wish to be housed in barges should ‘fuck off to France’. Downing Street has endorsed his remarks.

Poke me in eye with a dead goat’s cock, we’re fucking being ruled by the National Front now, aren’t we? And the fucking cowards sitting in the front bench opposite are too fucking shit scared to say anything about it! You know what, Lee? I think most of us would love to fuck of to France, in small boats if necessary, rather than be governed by poxy, ignorant, gammon-brained, sadistic little fascist arseholes like you! Only we can’t because of fucking Brexit, can we?

As I write, Harry Kane seems on the verge of leaving Tottenham Hotspur and joining Bayern Munich, However, there are still some questions about his personal terms.

I’ll fucking personal term you, Kane, you longshanked, gormless, cheating twat! Are there any words more fucking depressing than ‘Kane (pen)’? We all know how you got that fucking penalty, by diving so blatantly you might as well be wearing a bathing costume, or leaping backwards into the face of a fucking centre back! You’ll be in for a fucking shock if you get to Germany and you get sent off after 20 minutes for the shit you’ve pulled with impunity for about a fucking decade in England!

Nadine Dorries has still yet to ascertain whether she has resigned as MP for mid-Bedfordshire, drawing criticism not just from constituents but also minister Robert Jenrick and Rishi Sunak.

Do you know there are fucking statues of horses whose brass fucking balls aren’t as big as yours, Dorries? How do you put up with it? The derision, the castigation, the mockery, every day of your wretched fucking life? When you die you should donate your brain to medical science so they can dissect it and see how a human being can function with zero capacity for fucking shame! If scum like Jenrick and that colossal prick Sunak are having a go, then you’re buried head first in one hell of a fucking cesspit!

Finally, it seems that News Corp has recorded a steep 75 per cent drop in profits but sees opportunities ahead in Artificial Intelligence.

Seriously? I thought fucking News Corp’s copy had been pumped out by some sort of auto-generative machinery for fucking decades, designed by the same fucking engineer responsible for the machine used to pump shit into our rivers and fucking oceans! Or is this some fucking plan to build an army of fucking robot Murdochs, to multiply the fucking misery inflicted on future generations, with the old cunt himself a head in a jar still fucking directing operations? Just die, you cunt! Die, die, fucking die!

Mash Blind Date: No woman can withstand my pick-up artist techniques

RECRUITMENT consultant Dan, 31, has studied pick-up techniques, and attempts to use emotional manipulation to make women sleep with him. Teacher Holly, 28, is a normal human being. 

Dan on Holly 

First impression?

Holly was sort of alright. I’d have preferred a Eastern European model in just a bikini and high heels but Pizza Express probably wouldn’t allow that, the pussy-whipped cucks.

How was conversation? 

Obviously I wasn’t really chatting, I was stalking my prey, homing in with laser-like precision, looking for the chink in her psychological armour so I could go in for the kill like the sexual apex predator I am. 

Memorable moments?

She looked impressed when I said I’d got a Ferrari. Actually I’ve only got a knackered Vauxhall Astra, but it’s her fault for me blatantly lying to her. Women these days only care about money.

Favourite thing about Holly? 

Dunno, I was too busy planning my next pick-up tactic. Should I ‘accidentally’ brush her breasts to break down her personal boundaries or ‘neg’ her by saying they’re too small? It’s a lot to think about.

A capsule description? 

Holly thinks women should be allowed to vote and she’s not into choking. Typical modern feminazi who wants to cut your balls off. 

Was there a spark? 

Not really. My ideal woman would sit in silence while I explain current events and cars to her. Holly had an opinion on her quattro staggioni. I call that disrespectful.

What happened afterwards? 

I think I was too good at negging her. I’d criticised her hair, her job, her family and I was about to criticise her shoes when she said ‘You are a horrible person. Let’s get the bill then I’m going for a drink with friends. You’re not invited.’ How the fuck did that happen?

What would you change about the evening? 

I think to shag Holly I needed to have learnt mixed martial arts. Women want a man who can beat other men to a pulp outside kebab shops. It’s evolution.

Will you see each other again?  

Hopefully – only thanks to Hustlers University the next time I see Holly I’ll be driving past her in a real Ferrari with a model in the passenger seat giving me a blowjob. Then she’ll be sorry she missed out on dating an alpha male like the one I’ll be if I keep paying 40 quid a month.

Holly on Dan

First impression?

Obvious pick-up artist. Trying to dominate the conversation, gradually escalating physical contact. If I wanted to shag Andrew Tate I’d move to Romania.

How was conversation? 

Weird. He kept lying in the most obvious way and seemed to think that was okay if it meant getting his leg over. Sorry, but I don’t believe someone who’s into powerboat racing collects coupons for two-for-one pizza deals.

Memorable moments?

Dan has some interesting ideas about how men need to be dominant in a relationship. Also something about the ‘warrior spirit’ and ‘the matrix’, whatever that is. Oh, and leopards. Mustn’t forget them. I didn’t really pay attention because it was gibberish.

Favourite thing about Dan? 

He likes pizza and so do I but that’s not a particularly rare trait in a man and I don’t think it compensates for being an absolute wanker.

A capsule description? 

Knob? Is that encapsulated enough?

Was there a spark? 

Only of anger, when he kept challenging every minor thing I said in a transparent attempt to assert himself. Who the fuck starts an argument on a date about the best type of potato?

What happened afterwards? 

I went for a drink with friends and he went home to polish his samurai sword. That’s not a euphemism, he does actually own a samurai sword. Oh dear.

What would you change about the evening? 

I think I’d have had a gelato and sorbet instead of boring old cheesecake. Oh, you mean the actual date? Fuck that.

Will you see each other again?  

Only if Dan drastically revises his attitude towards women. And picks me up in his Ferrari. So I think we can safely say that won’t be happening.