The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Gwyneth Paltrow's health bollocks

WAKING in a puddle of my own regurgitation lapping gently against my nostrils in the high breeze, I am approached by an enigmatic stranger.

‘Where am I?’ I ask. ‘You have arrived in the future,’ he replies. ‘Look around.’

I hoist myself upright. I am in a dystopian urban landscape, a tableau of charred desolation, with boarded-up windows, burnt-out cars, and mangy stray animals the street’s only occupants. Is this what will become of Britain decades hence?

‘I must hasten somehow back to my own time and issue a warning of the hellish state of things to come,’ I say. ‘What decade is this, young man? What year? What place?’

‘Huh? When I said you’d arrived in the future, I meant eight hours into the future. This is March 24th, 2023. You’re in Bolton.’

Ah yes, I recall now. A visit to the regions on ecclesiastical affairs, followed by a convivial libation, followed by a fist-fight outside Level nightclub. Gathering myself I return to London, and read that Boris Johnson has appeared before the Privileges Committee delivering testimony which some felt was not altogether truthful.

St Francis’s severed cock pecked at by birds, you made Richard Nixon look like the young George Washington, you brazen fucking hulk of teeming twat! At least you gave your fucking lawyer a laugh at our expense, listening to you talk prime, silken bollocks for two fucking hours! You’re fucking finished, fatberg! You’re the final scene in a shitty Carry On film, slumped on your throne in your fucking underpants, drool dribbling down your vest, burbling ‘Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me’, as your handmaiden Dorries kneels and fans your fevered fucking brow! Carry On Cunting! Which I daresay you somehow will, you Teflon fucking tosspot!

Sir Keir Starmer has complained about the waft of cannabis entering the homes of his constituents and ‘ruining lives’.

First up, how would you know about what goes on in your constituency since you’re never fucking there? Second, as former head of the DPP we know you’ve got a raging hard on for sending black boys to prison but don’t fucking insult our intelligence with all this bollocks about ruining lives. The stench that’s ruining life in Britain right now is the shit being pumped into our rivers thanks to water privatisation but have you got any serious plan to deal with that? Have you fuck! Politicians should never, ever talk about drugs, because it reveals them as the cowardly, hypocritical wankers that they are!

Lifestyle influencer Gwyneth Paltrow has this week been in court involving a skiing accident in 2016 which left a man unable to enjoy wine tastings.

Shame you didn’t offer the geezer one of your homeopathic treatments, Gwynnie, that’d have done the fucking trick. As long as his injuries weren’t of the sort that require something that actually works! Or you could have steamed his penis, if what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the fucking gander! Who fucking knows who hit fucking who or whatever but one thing’s for certain – you’re a worldwide health menace with the avalanche of shite you unleashed down the mountains with fucking Goop! 

Finally, King Charles III’s trip to France has been postponed, owing to public unrest and French attitudes towards the institution of monarchy.

I should fucking well coco! The French have got the fucking right idea, unlike the bunch of spineless, grovelling fucking serfs known as the British people! Raise the retirement age from 62 to 64? Fuck that! I’d have retired the fuck out of myself if I could have done it at 62 and spent my remaining years Paltrow-dodging in Aspen but no, because of the docile, peasant mentality engendered by the fucking monarchy we have to work till we drop dead! Tell you what, there’s nothing about this country that a couple of tumbrils and a half-dozen refurbished guillotines couldn’t fix!

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How to pull in any branch of Wetherspoons, by Rupert Murdoch

BILLIONAIRE media magnate Rupert Murdoch is marrying again aged 92, due to these seduction techniques guaranteed to work in any branch of JD Wetherspoons: 

Step one: get in early

Wetherspoons starts early, so you have to. When I’m out to get lucky at The Last Post in Southend-on-Sea, I’m there with a Fosters in hand no later than 7.20am.

The birds aren’t there that early, only the drinkers, but it means you secure the prime pulling location. Table 34, right outside the ladies’ dunny. From there you can scope every piece coming in or out and ready your quips. You could be balls-deep before Lorraine. 

Step two: get to know the staff

Nobody in The Ernest Willows in Cardiff knows that I run News Corp, with a turnover of $10bn, but a nod from the duty manager Carol makes me look like real hot shit. Relative values.

Step three: bring pound coins

Women love a winner. So when you’re in The Weeping Ash in St Neots, saunter over to the fruity and start firing quids in. Before long you’ll have attracted chicks, and after a pitcher of Strawberry Delight you’ll be fingering her against the side of the Deal Or No Deal machine. Jackpot.

Step four: send chips to their table

Got a particular dame on your mind? Use the Spoons app on your phone to order a bowl of chips, direct to their table, and wave and wink when they’re dropped off. When she beckons you over, say ‘Need some mayo for those?’ and slap out two sachets of Hellmans’s and your phone number written on a discarded Ladbrokes slip.

Step five: don’t get too shitfaced

It’s too easy to get drunk in a Wethers. It costs piss-all, even for Sun readers. But you try necking some tart in the Counting House, Dundee when your beef madras is sitting uneasily on six pints of Guinness, and you won’t want to do it twice. Have a fag between each one at least.

Step six: Tell them you know Tim Martin

He might look like a tattered, racist scarecrow, but nothing excites the lasses in Spoons like telling them you know the gaffer. Hint that Brexit Tim is a close personal friend of yours and you’re already doing her from behind against the bins round the back of the Six Chimneys, Wakefield in minutes. No, I’ve never met him. I wouldn’t lower myself.