The Archbishop of Canterbury on... that twat Starmer and those twats Man U

WAKING up following a late evening with the editor of the Church Times culminating in my diverting ecclesiastical funds to buy out the pub when the landlord refused to serve us beyond closing time, I find myself with an unaccountable raging thirst. 

After arranging for one of my junior clerics to squirt cold water directly into my mouth from a hosepipe, upon my signal, for an hour, I feel more or less hydrated and pick up my newspaper and peruse the headlines. 

Therein, I read that Liz Truss has remarked: ‘I think one of the most depressing sights when you’re driving through England is seeing fields that should be full of crops or livestock, full of solar panels.’

Jesus H Cunt, is this the kind of addled garbage you need to vomit up from the pit of your demented Tory soul to get Home Counties morons to vote for you? Less renewable energy, more farting cows ripping an ever bigger arsehole in the fucking ozone layer? There won’t be any British farms left after your trade deals anyway, so you’ll be driving around England looking at fuck all.

Meanwhile, Labour have proposed a £113 million package that would save customers facing bills running into thousands a whopping £46 a year.

Gee, £46 a year? Now they’ll be able to boil the kettle once a fucking week and have the luxury of choosing whether to drink it or use it for a very shallow fucking bath! You wretched, spineless, worse-than-useless bunch of estate agents masquerading as fucking politicians! The ever-growing ranks of the poor might want to keep warm this winter by burning down Labour HQ and offering to spit on it to put it out. It’s as much help as they’re fucking getting. 

I once had a discussion with Donald Trump during a reception at Buckingham Palace in which I informed him that Our Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a velociraptor and not, as is often thought, a donkey. He was kind enough to repeat this piece of information at a rally in Iowa. This week, it has been announced that he is under investigation for taking classified documents concerning America’s nuclear arsenal back to his Mar-A-Lago residence.

Holy Joseph’s left gonad, you fucking did what? Did you arrange for a cruise missile to be parked in your garage as well, to be trundled out and let off next fucking Thanksgiving? They don’t just need to put you in fucking jail. They need to throw you down a 30-foot fucking hole, with prison guards detailed to piss on you round the clock. Although if those Russian hotel rumours are true, you’re quite into that sort of thing.

Finally, I read that Manchester United have made a very poor start to the season, losing 2-1 to Brighton at home in a manner that does not bode well for their prospects. 

Hahahahahahahahahaha and fucking ha for good measure! It couldn’t happen to a nicer pack of self-important, entitled bellends. Please, stay shit. Centre backs, collide with each other like fucking Laurel and Hardy going for the same ball. Ronaldo, sky a penalty you should never have been awarded in the fucking first place! I want you humiliated, I want the goalkeeper’s shorts to fall down after he’s let in a fourth against Fulham. After years of your shit, you fucking owe it to us, you cunts!

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Five museums I'm banned from and why, by Kim Kardashian

AS a globe-trotting celebrity megastar, one of my passions is local museums. But here are just five examples where my visit has resulted in a lifetime ban from the assholes that run the place.

The Louvre

I love Paris. The arrogance, the smoking, the dog shit. I don’t like The Louvre though. Long story short, I tried to get a selfie with the Mona Lisa but didn’t like the lighting in that part of the gallery. So I had my security team take the painting down for just a minute. No biggie. 

Well, the douchebags there all started screaming and within a few seconds I’d had my incredible ass kicked right out onto the Rue de Rivoli. Didn’t even get to browse the gift shop. I tried to DM Leonardo da Vinci to speak to the boss man, but I don’t think he’s on Instagram. Weird.

The Natural History Museum

I love London but don’t even get me started on those jerk-offs from the Natural History Museum. I hired out the entire place for a sleepover with my maladjusted kids and extended family. North and Psalm loved the bird foetuses in jars. They’re like little aliens. But the staff were so rude! 

All Kanye did was dismantle some dinosaur bones and play them like a xylophone like he’d seen in The Flintstones and they went ballistic. I mean, how valuable can bones be? They found them in the ground. Covered in dirt. Stupid zoologists.  

Derwent Pencil Museum

I love Keswick. The geology, the Sunday market, the steak pie at The Bank Tavern. Everything except the f**king Derwent Pencil Museum. Our visit was going well, we coughed up the £4.95 entry fee, but when I mentioned the Germans were mass-producing pencils in Nuremberg as early as the 1660s, the curator, Alan, got quite aggressive. 

Ranting about how Cumbria’s proud history of graphite mining dated back to 1550, he called me a ‘typical, ignorant Yank’. Then when we asked for the free wifi code and tried to order 12 chai lattes from the coffee counter he made it clear he wanted us to leave. Two words, Alan: customer service. Asshole.

The Icelandic Phallological Museum

Once, our private jet had to stop and refuel in Reykjavik. So the whole Kardashian clan visited this charming museum. Don’t worry – we left the kids outside with the nannies. What a place. Just like my dating history it features a huge bunch of dicks. All shapes and sizes, from tiny peckers to bull penises to big, old whale schlongs. It really is very educational. 

The problem arose when I accidentally snapped a walrus dick off while demonstrating what I’d like to do to that cheating asshole Kanye. Boy, did they overreact in Icelandish! Chill, guys, the walrus was dead anyway and I offered to glue it back on.

Madame Tussauds

Yes, I understand it’s not strictly a ‘museum’. But where else do you get to hang out with Beyonce, Barack Obama and The Rock in one afternoon? Normally I’d have to text them all individually and see what their schedules were looking like.

To me everything screamed celebrity glamour –  the Queen, the Beckhams, Nelson Mandela. So imagine my horror when I discovered my own waxwork and the perverts had made me look like some kind of artificial sex doll. I demanded it was melted down on the spot and caused a bit of a scene. So me and my spectacular ass aren’t welcome there anymore. Their loss.