Mad Max totally improvised

DIRECTOR George Miller has revealed that Mad Max: Fury Road was entirely ad-libbed by the cast.

The technique of unscripted improvisation, famously used in TV comedies such as The Thick of It and Curb Your Enthusiasm, has not previously been applied to films full of explosions and car crashes.

Miller said: “I’m a huge Curb fan, so I wanted to capture that same organic, hyper-realistic vibe on set of Fury Road. So I just dropped the actors in the middle of the desert with cars and weapons, and switched the camera on.”

“Tom Hardy got the ball rolling by sticking a garden trowel over his face and mumbling in this ridiculous voice about how he was a ‘blood bag’.

“Then Nicholas Hoult straps Tom to the bumper of his car and drives off at high speed. It all just snowballed from there.

“People were blowing trucks up, there were guys on stilts stabbing each other, Charlize Theron was coming out with all this mad, off-the-cuff shit about stowaway wives. One guy even had a flamethrower guitar – no clue where he got that.”

Miller added: “There’s this one scene where Tom was supposed to just gaze menacingly into the middle-distance, but then this two-headed lizard darted into shot. Quick as a flash, Tom just picks it up and stuffs it in his mouth.

“We were all bit a like ‘woah’.”

Pornography garden wins gold at Chelsea Flower Show

A GARDEN with hedges and borders containing more than 16 tonnes of hand-shredded pornography has won a gold medal at Chelsea Flower Show. 

The Television X Spank Mag garden, designed by Diarmuid Gavin, seems at first sight to be alive with blossom on every tree, shrub and perennial. 

But when visitors step in, they soon realise the vivid colours come from more than 300,000 pornographic magazines shredded by volunteers from local comprehensives.

Gavin said: “We wanted to pay tribute to the bucolic woodland scene that, thanks to the advent of digital media, is sadly becoming a thing of the past. 

“Once it was impossible to go for a stroll in the English countryside without seeing fragments of breasts and polyester underwear cheekily winking from every hedgerow. 

“We’ve recreated that here with a blizzard of Asian Babes, Readers’ Wives and Big Ones, overwhelming the senses with a kaleidoscope of old-fashioned filth.”

Visitors are allowed to take home as much of the tattered porn as they please, with the Duke of Edinburgh reportedly filling a bin bag to decorate the gardens at Windsor Castle.  

It lost out on Best Show Garden to Monty Don’s Flytipper’s Dream, a recreation of a traditional layby complete with burnt-out mattresses, sacks of rubble and shattered computer monitors.