Woman who watched Mindhunter believes boyfriend is a serial killer

A WOMAN who binge-watched all the episodes of Mindhunter is convinced she has developed an instinct for sniffing out sadistic murderers.

Nikki Hollis spent two days in a darkened room with the Netflix show about the FBI Behavioural Science Unit and now believes boyfriend Tom Logan has a psychological profile identical to Charles Manson.

Hollis said: “Tom’s definitely got deviant tendencies similar to these unhinged killers. It’s not a big leap to imagine Son of Sam never remembering to put the lid back on the Marmite.

“I haven’t got any actual proof yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before I find Tom crucifying cats in the garden. And then it’s just a slippery slope to murder. 

“All the signs are there: childhood trauma, inability to relate to women, lack of remorse. This sick psycho scumbag has got me on his case now.”

Logan said: “I think Nikki’s referring to the time I fell off my bike when I was a kid, the fact that I told her to stop doing weird sh*t to her eyebrows, and because I won’t apologise for saying Emmerdale is b*llocks.

“If anyone’s psycho around here, it’s her. I think she was secretly taking photos when I was digging a hole in the garden to transfer a pot plant.”

The Brexiter's guide to ending freedom of movement

BREXITERS will be delighted by plans to end freedom of movement, but have you thought it through properly? Read our guide on the slim off-chance you haven’t. 

Don’t expect all the foreigners to just disappear

This is due to an irksome problem known as ‘living in the modern world’. Fortunately you can go back in time without inventing a TARDIS by simply watching Yesterday channel all day, particularly the utopian vision of Britain depicted in The World at War.

Prepare for surprisingly expensive food

Without EU workers, and with tariffs, plentiful fresh food may be a thing of the past. To avoid getting scurvy crush up multivitamin tablets and sprinkle them on your full English. (Now defined as one bacon rasher, 15 baked beans and some powdered egg.)

Do expect holiday grief

No-hassle holiday travel is likely to be replaced by queues, tedious health paperwork and your pound being worth bugger all after no-deal. Practise for this scenario by filling out a tax return while standing in the longest queue at Asda without enough money to pay for your shopping. 

Get ready for some unappealing job opportunities

A cornucopia of demanding jobs will become vacant, including care home assistant, Amazon warehouse worker and delivery driver. If you are unemployed with the Tories in charge of benefits sanctions, now is an entirely appropriate moment to sh*t your pants.

Hope you don’t get offered a brilliant job abroad

You’ll be at a disadvantage if you apply for a job involving travel to different EU countries. Luckily this applies more to people like scientists and game designers, not Brexiters whose tech skills are limited to posting “Merkle wil come BEGGING too us withOUT are £39 pounds!!!” on the BBC News website.