Woodland porn magazine populations facing extinction

A NEW campaign is aiming to bring back discarded pornographic magazines to Britain’s woodlands.

Porn mags were once a common sight in UK woods but since the advent of high-speed broadband and virus-free porn websites, populations have been in rapid decline. 

Campaigner Martin Bishop said: “For generations, a trip to the woods was an opportunity for birdwatching, den-building and frenzied wanking to soggy copies of Men Only discovered in the bushes.

“The internet has taken a huge toll on magazine numbers. Rarities such as Gorgeous Grannies, Megajugs and Steaming Fetishes now face total extinction.”

The campaign hopes to reverse the trend by encouraging retro porn magazine collectors to donate copies and leave them under a fir tree in the nearest wooded area.

Bishop added: “If collectors can spare just one copy, they could prevent future generations missing out on seeing their first tits and muff in a damp and possibly sticky jazz mag.”  

Former teenage masturbator Tom Logan said: “Spotting your first mucky mag hiding in the trees by some tissues like a kingfisher or a red squirrel is a thrill you can only get in the wild.”

Which evening classes will make you sound more middle class?

THERE’S no point being middle class unless you’re able to out-do everyone else. Keep ahead of the Joneses with these entitled evening classes.

Booking a ski holiday for beginners

This course will teach you how to bemoan the price, logistics and travel time of a skiing holiday for your family or child at private school. Graduates will be given photos of a luxury ski trip to share on Facebook with the nauseatingly smug caption ‘Not a bad place to spend a few weeks’.

How to complain about your second home

Even people without a second home can learn how to whinge about having a surplus of property. You’ll be taught by an actual second home owner, who will show you how to say “I can’t believe I have to pay extra stamp duty” without a twinge of embarrassment.

Quinoa 101

Covering everything from pronunciation to its devastating impact on the environment, this intensive course will demystify the most middle class of superfoods. Upon completion, successful students will even be able to pretend they enjoy eating the stuff. Le Creuset pans not provided.

Advanced Waitrose shopping

Only open to those who have completed the ‘novice snobbery’ course. Lessons will cover how to hold up the queue while you rummage for your myWaitrose card, and the best ways to ostentatiously mention the cured ham you ate on holiday in Italy at the butcher’s counter.

Visiting National Trust properties for improvers

Brush up on how to stroll around castles and mansions with this refresher course. Includes dull historical factoids to make you sound knowledgeable, eg. “Of course, Charles II was an avid collector of thimbles”, and how to conceal the fact that you’re actually quite bored.