Dad would rather get coronavirus than fist-bump

A DAD has confirmed he will be shaking hands and potentially spreading a deadly virus rather than ever ‘fist-bump’. 

Father of three Wayne Hayes declared to his family that he would rather die than ‘indulge in pathetic Americanisms’.

Hayes, 53, said: “Churchill didn’t fist bump Stalin at the Yalta peace talks and he was the greatest Briton I can think of to illustrate this point.

“How I wash my hands is likewise my own business, and if it remains a swipe of Imperial Leather and a quick pass under the cold tap, that’s the British way.

“Elbow bumps? With another man? That’s ridiculous. Is this one of your memes or something?”

Hayes’ 24-year-old son Matthew said: “They say older people are more at risk. Perhaps it’s because they’re all d*cks.”

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The hypochondriac's guide to convincing yourself you've got COVID-19

BIT of a headache? Slight cough? Friend of a friend back from France? You might be able to convince yourself you’ve got the coronavirus. 

Washing your hands a lot

Are you soaping your hands for as long as it takes to sing the first verse of any Ramones song? Applying hand sanitiser so frequently your fingers are like mummy’s claws? Do these preventative measures somehow mean you might have COVID-19? Then you might.

You met some people recently

Met some people? Could those people have met other people? And could those other people be from or have visited China, France, the US or Bolton? You’ve got it for sure.

Keep blowing your nose

When you came back from lunch, after walking through five minutes of freezing wind, you blew your nose three times then treated your bin like it was a plutonium container and the geiger counters are going crazy.

A dry cough

It’s irrelevant that you scored weed and have been smoking heavily all week. This cough is seriously dry. Everyone knows what that means.

You’re a bit hot

Sweating in fact. It’s not the cardigan, it’s not the radiator, it’s not that you’ve just eaten a bag of sweet chilli and red pepper crisps. You’re part of the pandemic.