Assassination while Europe teeters on brink of war 'thrillingly retro', says world

THE world is feeling a warm glow of nostalgia thanks to the uncanny historical similarities that can be read into the shooting of the Slovakian prime minister.

People are experiencing fuzzy tinglings of familiarity after the assassination attempt near the Balkans that took place just as tensions on the European continent threaten to escalate into all-out war.

Norman Steele from Leeds said: “It’s politically motivated and everything, just like last time. You’ve got to admire the attention to detail.

“A cynic would roll their eyes and tell history this storyline has already been done, but if you wait long enough then everything has its time again. It’s not that different to flares and mullets making a comeback when you think about it.”

New Zealander Nikki Hollis said: “I’m so happy to be living in a pre-war era. I wasn’t born when Europe last mobilised but it’s all my grandparents ever talked about, so it must be excellent.

“These days we’re meant to be scared of global warming or killer viruses, so it’s great to see the classics still have mass appeal. And global conflict is going to be so much better now we’ve all got cameraphones.

“Updating all the antagonists for modern audiences was a smart move too. You don’t want the World War franchise to get stale.”

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