Germany voting far-right out of nostalgia for the good old days

GERMANS are voting for far-right parties to bring back the halcyon days of electing a far-right leader, committing genocide and being utterly destroyed within 12 years. 

Voters in Thuringia, Germany’s equivalent to Lincolnshire, elected the right-wing AfD on the basis that last time they backed such a leader everything worked out brilliantly.

Voter Dieter Dressler said: “Just as the British hark back to the wonderful days of wartime, so do we.

“And from 1933, when we first abandoned democracy to a demagogue bent on mass slaughter, to 1945 when our country lay ruined and 7,375,500 of us were dead, it was a hell of a ride. What has reunification offered us? Peace and prosperity? Pssch.

“Ideally we’ll see a lunatic seize the reins of power by the end of the decade, set up some classic racial purity laws soon after, war by the mid-30s and our country left shattered and divided by the centenary of the last one.

“Why wouldn’t we vote for that again? You voted for Farage.”

88-year-old Gerta Elbrecht said: “Maybe we’ll win a war against the entire world this time. Probably not, but it’s worth a go.”

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'No balloon trip this safari': six unbearable privations families with private school kids must suffer

ETON is charging an extra 20 per cent and the rest of the country’s exclusive twat farms will surely follow, forcing the well-heeled to forgo these basic needs: 

No chalet girl on February’s ski trip

Titting about on the slopes in Chamonix is a fundamental human right, but chalet girls are expensive even if Daddy doesn’t sleep with them. Families will have to make their own beds and clean their own skis for a whole week, ruining it and giving seven-year-old Bronwyn recurring nightmares.

Christmas at home this year

Attending a school with a chapel and golf courses now means sacrifices, so great-uncle Peter’s house in Jamaica will sit empty this year. Instead the family will be hunched over the table in the second-largest dining room with a humiliating nine-bird roast. The children take it so bravely.

No plus-one to the Galapagos

Melly’s made such good friends at Roedean but, even though it would cement an important friendship with her father at Citibank, little Tessa can’t come on the eco-cruise. ‘It’s like something out of bloody Dickens,’ Mother swears at the mirror in her dressing room after half a bottle of the 2016 Chateau Talbot from Fortnum’s.

Last year’s chinos at Henley Regatta

Making the best of it to build strength of character must be observed, and what better way than turning up to the boat race in year-old trousers? After a mass intake of breath, those attended will marvel at your courage and the boldness of your political statement. Worst-case scenario: they won’t notice.

Nanny’s pay freeze

Proving that trickle-down economics are real, household cuts mean everyone suffers. Even Sandra – her real name’s Estonian – and even though she’s like family. Not being able to stretch to a salary bump hurts her employers more than they can plummily say. Oh, also the children have been behaving especially badly, as they’re deprived now.

No balloon trip this safari

Africa is a bit of a jolly, so the next year’s Kenya trip gives the family a little light in the darkness. But without the dawn balloon trip? The holiday photos will be pitiful. Remind the children, as you watch rhinos at ground level, the Labour party did this to them. Channel their rage into political careers to give decent, ordinary people their lives back.