It's okay to have a small penis, world tells Putin

RUSSIAN president Vladimir Putin has been told it is okay to have a smaller than average penis and that he can stop all this nonsense whenever he likes.

The United Nations have called on the bear-chested, gun-toting, horse wrestler to come to terms with his penis size and perhaps read a book or take up fly-fishing instead.

Putin’s KGB bodyguard Mikhail Kurkov, said: “Every day he wants to be photographed firing a bazooka or fighting a massive animal.

“This morning we had to ship in a drugged gorilla just so that he could give it a karate chop. Then it was off to the mountains to shoot anti-tank guns at goats with his top off.”

He added:  “A particularly slow four-year-old could work out the subtext. He thinks he’s Russian politics’ answer to Bruce Willis but really he’s more like a Jeremy Clarkson with less hair and more appeal to homosexuals.

“And before you ask – yes, it is miniscule.”

Putin’s Facebook page lists his favourite film as Lone Wolf McQuade, his favourite song as Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins and his favourite food as ‘the raw, still-beating heart, torn from the fresh carcass of the black boar of Svetlograd’.

Olga Kamarov, Putin’s nan, said: “It’s understandable. It is like a scale model of a normal boy’s parts.

“When he was little we used to make jokes about it, saying that the fairies had magicked away his bits, but now I feel perhaps we scarred the boy.”

His housekeeper Anya added: “Yes, I’ve seen it too. It is like button mushroom. Ha ha ha.”

Edinburgh Fringe kicks off annual tosspot migration

BRITAIN will become 68 per cent more pleasant as the Edinburgh Fringe draws in the country’s pathologically self-absorbed bastards for the next three weeks.

As the rest of the country enjoys a well-earned break, the Scottish capital will once again be awash with sixth-form poetry, half-baked political idealism and post-modern reworkings of the A-Team as a feminist statement about pubes.

Sociologist Charlie Reeves said: “The Edinburgh Fringe has become a sort of ‘gobshite kettling’, a way of temporarily containing viciously self-confident Oxbridge graduates who are nowhere near as talented as they think they are but will still end up getting 500 grand a year from the BBC.”

He added: “If only the Metropolitan Police were there to batter them all with sticks.”

Stephen Malley, an accountant from Finsbury Park, said: “It’s already a lot more pleasant around here. I’ve been to the park, done a bit of shopping, stopped for a pint and not once have I been forced to listen to a bunch of tits talking shit.”

Meanwhile Bill McKay, a 55-year-old Edinburgh resident, said: “I’ve had 40 years of arrogant teenagers rewriting Shakespeare, ‘political jugglers’ and comedians calling their show ‘Cheese Badger’.

“At my local we’ve cleared a space in the cellar so if one of them wanders in accidentally we open the hatch, chuck them down the steps and leave them to the pit bulls.”

He added: “It’s called A Million Tears for Rosalita, venue 65, £7.50 at the door, £6 concessions.”