How to cope with an annoying bastard having a banging sex life in a shared house

LIVING with a flatmate who goes at it night and day? Here’s how to cope with the annoyance and envy of them constantly getting some:

Ignore them

The most effective way to make a problem disappear is to pretend it isn’t happening. When your other flatmates ask if you were woken by the infuriating shrieks of pleasure coming from the shower this morning, simply say no. The deeper you bury the trauma in your subconscious, the less of a problem it will be. For now.

Make your own noise

Try to drown out the sound of their squeaking bed frame by making even more noise yourself. Obviously not from sex as you never get lucky, but Spotify should do the trick. They’ll struggle to maintain their sexy vibe with the Requiem For A Dream soundtrack pulsing miserably through the wall.

Take the piss

If you can’t solve the problem, you can at least get some laughs out of it. Pranks such as recording the audio of your flatmate shagging and playing it through the kitchen speaker when their parents come to visit will hopefully humiliate them into never feeling in the mood again.

Sabotage them

There’s no better way to switch off sex noises than to cut them off at source. If you can’t seduce your flatmate’s shag buddy yourself, which seems unlikely given the highly skilled erotic sessions they sound like they’re engaging in, go with simpler forms of sabotage.  A genital wart removal kit left somewhere conspicuous in their room should do it.

Move house

If you move to another flat, you’re sure to find respectful, tidy and perenially-single-and-yet-not-at-all-creepy flatmates waiting for you there, right? Or at the very least people who don’t attempt to quietly hump under a blanket when you’re all watching Netflix together and think no one will notice.

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Man relieved home repair needs professional tradesperson

A MAN has quietly said ‘Thank f**k’ to himself after an expert was called in to fix a problem which was slightly too difficult for him to attempt.

Nathan Muir expressed himself to be ‘pretty handy’ when he moved in with partner Lucy Parry, and regretted it when she then forced him to do a lot of tricky and boring DIY jobs.

Muir said: “I wanted to impress Lucy with my masculine knowledge and practicality but wished I hadn’t bothered when that translated into scraping decaying muck out of the U-bend rather than having hot sex in the kitchen with my work boots on.

“I’ve wasted days of my life awkwardly watching YouTube videos on my phone with my head jammed under the kitchen sink when we could have just paid a professional to do it while I watched telly and ate crisps.

“Luckily, this time even Lucy felt that fixing the leak in the water heater was beyond me, so we called in a wonderful man called Gary who did the job in 20 minutes without having to lock himself in the bathroom for an angry, frustrated weep.

“I think we both fancied him a bit, if I’m honest.”