WHILE many jokes about current events have successfully walked the line between compassion and humour, I’m afraid you – who I do not like – have gone too far.
At a fraught time like this many of us, myself included, are harmlessly satirising proceedings while being careful not to punch down. But instead my long-term rival and sworn enemy has piped up with a joke that should see them cancelled into oblivion.
My gentle ribbings have proved that it is still okay to laugh at a time like this. My wit was clever rather than crass, daring rather than depraved. Disgracefully you, who were always a twat, were the opposite.
Your lack of tact is typical of someone with your political leanings and taste in films. I am shocked and appalled that someone I hold in such low regard could sink still lower.
If you believe what you said to be acceptable, it says a lot about you. That you could think such a quip was good-natured and well within the bounds of taste proves your unfitness to remain in society. You should be arrested or at the very least silenced forever.
And you think my joke was beyond the pale. You! A person without scruple, morals or decency! Having the temerity to judge my subtle, measured jocularity!
No, your joke went too far. It crossed every line. You knew it did when you made it and you wanted the outrage you have received. And just when Britain is suffering so. You f**king prick.