Six reasons why you might as well say 'f**k it'

ARE you still trying? Really? Even after everything that’s happened?

Well, good for you I guess, but in case you were just searching for a decent excuse here are six reasons why you should just give up now.

It’s not worth it
Let’s face it, it’s an awful lot of effort and for what, at the end of the day? Do you genuinely think you’ll get back everything you’re putting in? Even if it all worked out perfectly, which it won’t, you’d still be disappointed.

Everyone else has already stopped
It was fine when we were all doing it. We all supported each other and that kind of thing, but now it’s just you? It’s making everyone else look bad, and if you’re honest with yourself you’re lonely. Come on.

You’ll eventually give up anyway
Since you’re going to give up eventually, and everyone knows it, why not just cut to the chase and give up now? What’s the sense in carrying on with this useless charade when you know exactly how it ends? Wouldn’t it be a relief to just stop?

It’s 2020
Come on. Nobody has any hope that 2020 will be anything but a write-off. It’s just not realistic.

I mean, Brexit. Kind of makes your thing look pathetic in comparison, doesn’t it? Bit selfish? When Brexit’s going on?

So why bother?
Given all that, why bother? It’s so much easier not to. You literally don’t have to do anything but stop. Yeah? Yeah.

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Man tries to convince everyone his homemade bread was worth the hassle

A MAN is desperately trying to convince everyone the bread he made from scratch is far nicer than a farmhouse loaf from a shop.

Tom Logan, who spent five hours and used every utensil in the kitchen making the ‘artisan bloomer’ insists it was well worth it.

Logan said: “You can’t beat a slice of homemade bread straight from the oven. Well, when I say straight from the oven, it took 20 minutes to slice it, then it kind of fell apart and I had to stick it back together with some butter but the end result was truly delicious.

“There is something really special about watching your loved ones enjoy something you have created with your own two hands, even thought they did seem to be muttering something.”

Tom’s wife Emma said: “This is the most wonderful, amazing bread I have ever tasted. I think Tom should quit his IT job and make bread instead.

“We’d be millionaires.”