The bigger the engagement ring, the louder it tells men to piss off, reveal women

WOMEN have admitted they demand large diamond rings because they are an unignorable warning to annoying wankers trying to chat them up. 

Fiancées explained that far from being a smug Instagram post or an item to hastily sell if the relationship goes tits up, the main function of a ludicrously expensive ring is to ward off vampiric suitors like a crucifix.

Jeweller Nikki Hollis said: “It’s assumed women are drawn to large gemstones because we’re human magpies who take a childlike delight in seeing the visible light spectrum bounce around on our fingers.

“When actually it’s because, short of turning into a lizard on the spot, they’re the only thing to guarantee aggressive little men will leave us alone.

“Having a massive cut stone on your finger is a language they understand. It gives off a Bat-signal to all creeps in the area to retreat to their Bat-caves, or however Batman works. Raise your hand to the light and the reflections repel them, scuttling and hissing.

“And if the rock’s chunky enough, a certain kind of man can’t see it without imagining the damage it would do to his Tesla’s paintwork when he’s caught nuts-deep in another woman. These are exactly the men we want to repel.”

Man Stephen Malley said: “Woman expensive ring. Woman expensive. Make man afraid.”

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Kids now waking up bored

CHILDREN have reached the stage of the school holidays when boredom precedes consciousness, they have confirmed. 

Regardless of the weather, myriad entertainment options or whoever is currently doing a half-hearted job of caring for them, children aged between five and 16 are opening their eyes and instantly pronouncing themselves bored beyond reason.

Susan Traherne of Heaton Mersey said: “Obviously I dread them waking up. That’s normal for three weeks into the summer.

“But up until now we’ve at least managed to shepherd them through breakfast and their first two hours of telly before they start lowing ‘boooored’ like cattle readying themselves to charge a fence down.

“The entire content of three streaming services is boring. Every video game they have is boring. Every toy or book in their room is boring. The company of their siblings is the most boring thing of all, though to be fair they have a point there.

“They’re bored on days out, they’re bored stuck in. Even Jean-Paul Sartre wasn’t this overwhelmed with ennui. Luckily, I have the major advantage of not giving a f**k.”

14-year-old Amelia Traherne said: “I am bored so I must go and pester mum to end it, even though she is the most boring person in the entire world. So there’s irony there.”