'It was worth Thatcher for the tits': Britain thanks Rupert Murdoch

THE UK has agreed the 50-year rule of Rupert Murdoch over all aspects of their nation and politics gave so much more than it took.

Britons have looked back over lives ruled by the whims of an Australian press baron and decided it was worth Thatcher and Brexit for that funny headline about George Michael.

Wayne Hayes, aged 62, said: “Yes, the breaking of the unions, yes, the destruction of the post-war welfare state, yes, rampant misogyny, but the Sun was dead-on about football transfers.

“They had the scoop about Andy Cole going to Man United before anyone else. For me that counterbalances when I saw that Kinnock lightbulb front page and decided to vote John Major and eventually lost my house.”

Eleanor Shaw of Falkirk said: “Sure, stuff like Hillsborough, Kill an Argie Bingo, the relentless campaign of homophobia during the AIDS crisis, calling Frank Bruno a loony and that whole Ben Stokes business looks bad. But then you’ve got Page 3.

“Printing pictures of big-breasted women for 40 years, often when they were only 16, has to be a net positive. I myself am a DD-cup and being compared to a page 3 girl in the playground always made me blush with delight and happiness.”

Ordinary rough-around-the-edges working bloke Sir Keir Starmer agreed: “Yeah, it’s a bit of alright the Sun, innit? Dolly birds and that? Wait, do I not have to do this anymore?”

Toilet lid ominously closed in empty public bathroom cubicle

A WOMAN is wondering whether she should brave a vacant public toilet cubicle where the lid is sinisterly shut.

After finding herself in the unenviable position of needing to go for a piss in Crewe station, Eleanor Shaw is debating whether to take a chance with the one empty cubicle and risk discovering the crimes that lie hidden beneath the toilet’s closed lid.

Shaw said: “Leaving the lid shut on a public toilet is basically an admission that there’s some horrendous faecal atrocity under there. At best it’s a turd that didn’t flush, but it’s more likely to be some soiled underwear a lunatic tried to shove down the U-bend.

“Going in there and opening that toilet will basically be like unwrapping the worst Christmas present ever. Well, maybe the second worst, considering my husband gave me a strimmer last year.

“I’m just trying to weigh up how badly I need to go for a piss against how willing I am to open what will almost certainly be a Pandora’s box of diarrhoea. 

“My train leaves in a few minutes and the woman that went into the other cubicle ahead of me was wearing a playsuit, and she’s bound to spend 45 minutes struggling out of that thing to take a shit. So I’m probably going to have to risk it.”

After emerging from the cubicle, a haunted-looking Shaw said: “I can’t say what I saw in there or I’ll be sick, but this building should be condemned then burned to the ground.”